
Bag Alternatives?

by  |  earlier

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I'm a small retail store owner of second hand clothing (upper scale, clean kind of second hand) and I'm wondering if anyone has an idea for a bag alternative? Plastic bags are so bad for the environment, and I have the recyclable kind! Paper bags are out of my price range at this time. Does anyone know of a cute alternative? I've heard of people bundling the clothing with a ribbon, but I didn't want to steal that exact idea (a lady in the same town does it). Anyone shop some where with bag alternatives? Not used bags please, I have used bags, like "walmart" bags but I'm more of a boutique and want to keep that feeling. Thanks in advance!




  1. How about contacting upscale bag manufacturers and ask them for leftovers/overruns?  Even if you had to pay a little bit, each customer would get a different bag.  You would lose out on the advertising aspect of having your name on the bag, but it might be fun.  Good Luck!

  2. hmm, cheap bag alternative with upscale taste...

    what about thick plastic bags that are like the paper bags, but are plastic, they are squared and tough, unlike the walmart bags...

    I'm sure they'd be more expensive than the regular grocery store type bags, and still probably bad for the environment..

    there's a link that might give you an idea, hope it helps!

  3. I am glad to say i have just found a website that might do the trick.It took a bit of searching but i think it comes very close to what you need.They really have some nice paper bags and their prices seems quite decent. I obviously do not know what your budget is, but i am sure you can factor that in your prices.they really are classy looking bags. take a look at

    there is also a  company called zazzle. They do printing of all sorts. Their bumper stickers are very cheap and the good thing is, you can get to design or put your own design.what i am getting to is , if it works out expensive getting the bags with your own label on, you could design your own label at zazzle and stick them on  the bag. you probably think it might look tacky, but i think with the right color and design combination, you might just pull it of .this is  zazzle website

    Good luck and i hope this has been helpful or at least got  your thinking juices flowing.
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