
Bag <span title="Teeth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1">Teeth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

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Hi i'm 18 & I have bad teeth, my dental hygiene isn't up too scratch I do tend to forget two brush my teeth for weeks on end sometimes & it don't help that I eat loads of sugary foods. but what teenager doesn't, this mean I have around 14 fillings at the age of 18, not good I know, I no loads of other people that eat hundreds of my sweets & pop than I do & they don't brush there teeth much but they don't have the same problem. I have this one tooth that just keeps breaking it's on it's secound filling now & the other edge has just broken off, only a small bit but I can feel it. the dentist I have has a bit of a rep of being a butcher & doing work that isn't needed. my teeth arn't bad they look white but why the problems?? I brush now, & use listerine but everytime I eat chewing gum (when it most happens) there goes a bit of my tooth. My wisdom teeth are coming through & they look odd!! please help, im lost for words & spelling




  1. that is gross, at the min. you should brush twice a day. use dental floss to get between teeth. acid in soft drinks breaks down enamal.on the teeth. so use a straw.the reason, your wisdom teeth usally come in crooked is because they have no room. thats why ., you hear  people have to get them extracted.graggle with peroxide, but dont swallow it. good luck

  2. &gt;Brush,Floss or use an Oral Irrigator/Water Pik,clean your Tongue after meals for proper oral hygiene. If you don&#039;t practice proper oral hygiene dental plaque builds up much faster and pushes your gumline further away the normal gum height creating pockets.

    This would lead to gum problems, dental caries/cavities.

    &gt;The tooth that fractured needs to be restored again.

    &gt;Have your 3rd molars properly diagnosed, it could be Impacted.

    Complications from undiagnosed Impacted 3rd molars are painful and costly.

  3. I think I&#039;m still in shock about the &quot;going 2 weeks without brushing&quot; part of your paragraph!! hello! common sense here is to be brushing your teeth--if you don&#039;t start getting regular you can end up with more problems than just your teeth... as far as your broken tooth--you need to get it taken out before you start damaging the nerves underneath--you&#039;ll end up with more work needed than your wanting!~~

  4. Brush 3 times a day if possible use mouthwash in the morning and at night.I have heared that the ACT Restoring Mouth Wash works very well.

  5. genetics and also compounded but poor hygiene discipline

    i work at my mouth hygiene as i have genetics issues with 5 other siblings two have same problems mine more pronouced...

    flossing was a key part of decision to have wisdom teeth the were so close unable to floss period and how food particles stuck there odd..anyways  ask dentist advice and double check about the braces..and most importantly concern for any future infection of the mouth ask dentist for response to your concerns...

  6. Dude, the problem is the damage is already done. The only thing you can do is stop any more cavities. If chewing gum pulls your teeth out, then stop chewing it! Maybe you should change dentist if it&#039;s possible. And for god sake clean your teeth every night. If you get into a routine of cleaning them before you go to bed, you&#039;ll find that you won&#039;t be able to sleep if you haven&#039;t cleaned them. (I never beleived that when my gran said it a few years ago, but it worked on me!!)

    Anyways dude, you said that you brush and use listerine now, so hopefully you won&#039;t get any more problems =)

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