Hi i'm 18 & I have bad teeth, my dental hygiene isn't up too scratch I do tend to forget two brush my teeth for weeks on end sometimes & it don't help that I eat loads of sugary foods. but what teenager doesn't, this mean I have around 14 fillings at the age of 18, not good I know, I no loads of other people that eat hundreds of my sweets & pop than I do & they don't brush there teeth much but they don't have the same problem. I have this one tooth that just keeps breaking it's on it's secound filling now & the other edge has just broken off, only a small bit but I can feel it. the dentist I have has a bit of a rep of being a butcher & doing work that isn't needed. my teeth arn't bad they look white but why the problems?? I brush now, & use listerine but everytime I eat chewing gum (when it most happens) there goes a bit of my tooth. My wisdom teeth are coming through & they look odd!! please help, im lost for words & spelling