
Bakery that sells Gluten Free cakes in Cincinnati Ohio area??

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I need to find a bakery in the Cincinnati Ohio or surrounding area that sells pre-made cakes that are GLUTEN FREE..

Your help would be greatly appreciated!!!





  1. Mmm. I do not know specifically of a bakery that sells them but I do have a couple of suggestions.

    There are a SELECT few gf bakeries around the US but they are few and far between and usually in cities like Denver, NYC, LA, etc.

    Try going to Click Local Support. You should find at least one support group in the Cincinnati area. Email or call that person and see if they know of any GF bakeries.

    If that fails, and you can, you can bake the cake yourself (or see if a baker will do it special for you if u are looking for something more fancy than a homemade cake.) See if a baker will let u bring the flours, mix or what not you need and have them do it, maybe? I often bake GF cakes at home, my fave being Pamela's Lucuious Chocolate Cake Mix that can be found online at or at places like Whole Foods or other health food stores. (There are many other cake mixs, but that's my fave!)

    Sorry I cant be more specifically helpful! Good luck!

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