
Baking Canape Bread: I have a tinned steel canape bread mold. Now what!...?

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Has anyone here baked a bread in those tubular canape bread molds? What kind of recipe do I use? Does it rise inside the tube? I need help here, people!




  1. The dough is allowed to rise to fill the cavities of the mold which may require an hour or less. Once the mold is filled, the mold can be placed in the oven to bake for 20 minutes or so, producing a golden-toned shaped bread after it is removed from the mold. After cooling, the bread can be easily sliced into individual pieces to be topped with ingredients for the appetizers.

    Just fill the molds with bread dough, let rise and bake in the oven. Remove both ends and slide the bread out. Slice and serve them hot or cold, topped with cheese or tapenade.

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