
Baking advice? Fondant?!?

by Guest60336  |  earlier

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I love baking, mostly cakes. I like to decorate them to the max! I was wondering if anyone knew a great recipe for fondant? I've tried a couple but none have been to great. I would like one that is easy to use and easy on the wallet please. Thank you!




  1. Here is my Marshmallow Fondant Recipe and it is very easy to make and on the wallet!!

    (Let me tell ya, its very tasty)

    1 bag of small white marshmallows

    2 tb water

    2 lb bag of Powdered sugar or Confectioners sugar (Which is equal to approx. 8 Cups)

    1 tsp of flavoring of your choice, I use vanilla and sometimes almond flavors

    1/3 cup of shortening

    Approx 1 cup of shortening to prepare your work surface and cover your utensils and hands.

    Melt the marshmallows and the water in a pan (make sure you constantly stir, you don’t want it to burn. I cover all utensils that I use with shortening before I start so that it is easier to get the marshmallow off when you clean them).  You can also heat in the microwave if you would like however I think it is easier on the stove.

    Heat and stir until all the marshmallows are melted.

    I scrub down a space on my countertop, then place a basic sandwich baggie on your hand, use that hand to rub shortening all over the countertop space that you will be using.

    Pour half of the sugar in the center of your work space. Make a well in the middle. Pour the melted marshmallow in and begin to mix with your hands. Be careful it will be hot!!!!  (I always cover my hands with shortening so that the mixture will not stick while you are kneading). As you are kneading, the mixture will become sticky, this is when you will add the shortening to the mixture little by little as needed. Don’t worry if you do not use all the shortening that the recipe calls for it is just to get rid of the stickiness as you go.

    Add remaining sugar and continue kneading by hand, it will seem like a lot of work but it will be worth it in the end. Knead it until it is soft and pliable.

    It is best if you let the fondant set overnight in the refrigerator. Make sure your wrap the fondant in saran wrap very tightly.

    It will be kinda stiff when you go to work with it the next day, but it can be put in the microwave for five to ten seconds (start off with 5) and it will soften right up for you. I Always my marshmallow fondant stored in the refrigerator to keep it fresh.

    If you notice that it is a little dry or is cracking you can always just add some shortening to it and it should become more pliable for you.

    Donna’s Tip——-When I work with fondant or Gum Paste I always have a small container of shortening available so that if my fondant or gum paste gets dry I can just add a little shortening to it and it takes care of the dryness. The weather has alot of affect on fondant especially in areas that have high humidity

  2. Rolled Fondant --

    "Makes a perfectly smooth coating for cakes. Roll it out to 1/4 inch thickness for best results. Glucose and glycerin can be found at most cake decorating supply stores. You may color it with three drops of whatever food coloring you desire."


    1 (.25 ounce) package unflavored gelatin

    1/4 cup cold water

    1/2 cup glucose syrup

    1 tablespoon glycerin

    2 tablespoons shortening

    1 teaspoon vanilla extract

    8 cups sifted confectioners' sugar


    Combine gelatin and cold water; let stand until thick. Place gelatin mixture in top of double boiler and heat until dissolved.

    Add glucose and glycerin, mix well. Stir in shortening and just before completely melted, remove from heat and stir in vanilla. Mixture should cool until lukewarm.

    Place 4 cups confectioners' sugar in a large bowl. Make a well in the center and using a wooden spoon, stir in the lukewarm gelatin mixture. Mix in sugar and add more a little at a time, until stickiness disappears. Knead in remaining sugar. Knead until the fondant is smooth, pliable and does not stick to your hands. If fondant is too soft, add more sugar; if too stiff, add water (a drop at a time). Use fondant immediately or store in airtight container in fridge. When ready to use, bring to room temperature and knead again until soft.  

  3. Homemade Fondant:

    Marshmallow Rolled Fondant:

    Chocolate Fondant:

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