
Baking soda?

by  |  earlier

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What are some things you can do with baking soda as a cleaning product? brush teeth? clean tub, ect? i put some in my closet to take away the musky smell, will it work? i would like some neat ideas, im interested in using natural cleaning products! like baking soda. anything else natural i can use? to take away smells, clean, shine?




  1. ketchup cleans/shines brass. rub it on and then wait a few minutes and wipe clean

    use shaving cream to clean bathroom mirrors to avoid moisture buildup while showering

    baking soda i use for laundry fridge heartburn (lol) and cleaning my kids stuffed animals (large garbage bag and shake)

    ice and salt will clean hard water deposits off coffee pots ect

    thats all i can think of for now ITS 5 AM here LOL

  2. i feel cleaning coming on........... use baking soda as a cleanser but caution about cleaning metal,it promotes rust,care should be taken not to leave residue on metal appliances,i rusted the inside of my microwave oven by cleaning with baking soda...but i use it to scour my cast iron fry pan,just dry thoroughly ,sprinkle some in the trash can to keep it sweet,sprinkle it on foam meat trays when throwing them out it keeps down smells till garbage day,it shines sink faucets ,clean off your car battery ,rinse well remember rust. ............tom

  3. A pan of vinegar and water will absorb smell of room - alcohal works good on mirrors -  vinegar cleans windows  -  a piece of al. foil will polish up the chrome on furniture---baking soda will clean pots, sinks, use to wash out refridgerator and add to laundry to help sweeten smell, soften water and get out stains..
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