
Bakugan g-power help?

by Guest58618  |  earlier

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I was wondering how do you figure out bakugan's g-power if it doesn't show it anywhere on the marble. because I reciently got an aqous evolved dragonoid: (

and it doesn't have/show a base g-power like some other bakugan.




  1. How to Play Bakugan

    Bakugan is a game based off of the anime series Bakugan Battle Brawlers. The card game consists of spring-loaded marbles that are used to score below is an easy explaination of how to play Bakugan.

    StepsGet a bakugan the strongest is 450 G points.

    For two players each player puts down two cards. For 4 player each put down 1 card farthest from them. Then the youngest player goes first in a clockwise motion. Put down 2 more cards on the corner of the card in front of you, this is your shot spot. To shoot you can shoot it like a marble or put it on the floor and hold in your thumb and middle finger.

    Next because the cards are magnetic and the bakugan have magnets when you shoot the bakugan and it stands on the card and stays on it you get the card and your bakugan back. If you miss you get the bakugan back and you can put down a card. If it stands you can also put down a card. I your bakugan and someone else's bakugan land on a card you go into battle. Flip the card over and you see 6 numbers your match the color of the bakugan with the color on the card. Add the numbers to your bakugan's G points witch is either inside your bakugan our outside. If your bakugan's G power is stronger than the other you get the card and the bakugan. In the game your are only allowed 3 bakugan and 3 cards but you can use more cards and you can only have one ABILITY card.

    If the bakugan have the same G points you take the bakugans of the card and each shoot if only one land on it they get the card and bakugan. I you knock a bakugan of a card its a automatic knock out.

    Play until all the cards are gone. At the bottom of the card there is HSP (holo sector points.) Add all of your cards holo sector points and your remaining bakugan are worth 100 points and if you have more points you win. And if you lose your favorite bakugan in a battle don't cry this game requires nerves of steel.

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