I have had problems with balance for 6 years now. I was diagnosed with GAD, generalized anxiety disorder, after being very ill from exposure to Lacquer fumes and dust. The anxiety subsided and , in my view, been successfully treated. I have had only 2 panic attacks (ealry on) and since then have gotten my anxiety in check to the point to were it is down to nothing. My problem is that I am unsteady every day, all day, all the time. I cannot tell if it is psychosematic (all in my head). Fatigue and stress increase the sensation. I have seen a cardiologist, Optomotrist, ENT, my Nuerologist twice, MRI, X-ray and CT scan all with normal results. I had an endoscopical and laposcopal exam directly following the reporting of my illness to my doctor (results were inflammed stomach and esophogus). My mind is almost always cloudy and my eyes have trouble focusing some times. I continually manage my stress but not perfect by any means. I have been thouroghly tested, bloodwork, etc. I cannot understand why this keeps up. I am in construction, remodeling and such, and I run my own business. Lately I have noticed some depression with the balance problem and my motivation level is dropping on a consitant basis. I have tried 9 different medications, anti-depressents and anti anxiety drugs, in which all had medium to severe side effects and I have to stop taking them. The only medication that has a positive effect so far is Zanax (relaxes me). I do not take it often but I have noticed that it does not conter the off balance feelings anymore . I exercise regularly and eat a fairly good diet I could eat more greens for sure). My question is--- What is it and how do I get rid of it?