There is a man that liked me A LOT and I liked him, but we worked together, so we didn't move on that. But we were attracted to eachother in all ways. This is the man in my dream I'll refer to.
He was holding a bald eagle. But in this dream, the eagle's head was bright red, and he had yellow eyes and body. He was bright and beautiful. The man was holding the eagle in his hands. Stroking it from head to body, and adoring it. He said to me that he wanted to set it free somewhere, but he didn't know where to do it. The some people walked up. I said, "you should set it free in the field over there". And a lady looked at me with a mean look, and said "no, the field isn't a good spot". Then the people took the man with them to find somewhere to set the eagle free. He looked at me as he walked away.
Then all of a sudden I see some planes flying in the sky all in a row. All of them were little planes, except for one, which was a Jetliner. All of a sudden, the planes got agg