
Ball Python 5 months, 17inches won't eat fuzzys!!!!!?

by Guest32587  |  earlier

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My Ball Python is 5 months old 17 inches. I left a LIVE fuzzy in its glass tank for a night. But my mom might have took it out but she says she didn't. I am going to start feeding hoppers to it. I try to feed my python in a petco box. I leave it in the box for 15 minutes.. The python and fuzzy are sleeping! WTF. Thats when I left it in the tank. Should I contact a vet?? Should I try feeding it something else that is under 4 dollars?? Should I start power feeding it?? Please Answer!!!! Its Important! my mom's friend bought it for 80 dollars. I don't want to dissapoint him.




  1. Try feeding it pinkies. Maybe the fuzzies are too big for your snake to swollow.

  2. Power feeding is very unhealthy.  Feeding the correct sized rodent every 7-10 days is fine.  It is best to feed in a separate container to avoid possibly eating substrate or associating your hand with food.  Feed in the evening, which is natural.  Increase the size of the prey slowly.  Make sure you are using an under tank heater to assis with digestion.  Humidity is critical.   Here is an excellent site to read to help you with care:

  3. try feeding him frozen .....maybe he want to be friends with live mice.

    but ball pythons sometimes ...dont eat for awhile

  4. OK first of all you are RIGHT in feeding your snake in a separate container...dont feed your snake where it lives.  i feed my snakes in plastic tubs...i drill airholes in the top of the sides make sure the tub is large enough for the snake to move around a little bit in it.

    i'm confused as to why you were asking about feeding it something that is under 4 dollars but the food costs what it costs.

    power feeding is not good for causes them to have shorter's just not good for the snake.

    snakes, ball pythons in particular, can go on hunger strikes for long periods of time.  i had an adult that went on "stirke" for almost a  year.  i have another ball python that went on "strike" for a little over 6 months.  with your snake being 5 months old i wouldnt worry until he hasnt eaten for 2 months or so...then i would consider taking it to the vet.  offer the snake food as normal...every 7 days or so...not more often than that...if the snake doesnt eat put him up and offer the food again in 7 days.  if your snake is used to being handled a lot go ahead and handle him as normal during this time if you want too.  if hes not used to being handled then leave him be.  

    the snake probably should be eating hoppers by now not fuzzies (i gave mine 2 hoppers once a week until they got big enough for adult mice)

    good luck!!

  5. 5 months 17 inches? Are you sure about that because that's a real small snake for 5 months.

    Anyhow to begin with don't feed it in a separate box. It should be fed where it lives. Unless you have a habit of handling rodents and not washing your hands before you reach into the snake's tank nothing will happen.

    Next never, never, never, never leave a live rodent of any size unattended with a snake. Never! If the snake doesn't eat it after about 15 - 20 minutes take it out. If you get in the habit of leaving a live rodent with a snake eventually one of them will kill the snake.

    Find some place else to shop a fuzzy shouldn't run you more than $1. If you're paying $4 for it you're getting ripped off, badly.

    I'm curious how do you plan on power feeding it when it won't even eat one thing? Or did you mean force feeding?

    There are a few tricks to getting a BP to eat. The first one is to make sure the snake is relaxed and comfortable.

    1) Make sure the temperatures and humidity are perfect.

    2) Then put the snake alone in a quiet area and don't bother him for at least 5 to 7 days. The only time you should even open the cage is to change water and spot clean.

    3) After the 5 to 7 days is up offer him a meal. If he takes it leave him alone for at least 48 hours to digest. If not take the food out and wait another 5 to 7 days and offer another meal always making sure the husbandry is perfect.

    4) Ball Pythons can go a long time w/out food. It is more common in the winter but if he's not losing muscle tone or a lot of weight he should be fine. I'd say if you do the 5 to 7 day cycle and he hasn't accepted food within the next month get him to a vet UNLESS he is scrawny now or if you have any reason to suspect he could have a parasitic infestation.

  6. I have a 4 foot ball python and he sometimes goes threw a 6 month peroid without eating. As crazy as it sounds we talked to a vet about it and its perfectly normal. Goodluck with your snakie!

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