
Ball Python Excessive Soaking

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I have a baby ball python. He basically lives in his water dish. When I turn his light on in the morning, he goes into his water dish within 2 hours. He remains there all day with his nose above water looking happy as can be. When I turn his light off at night, he happily goes into his hide. He has NO sign of mites or ticks. He's a perfectly friendly snake. We've had him for over a month now and he still has not shed though. I thought the extra soaking would help him to shed. Our other 3 ball pythons have already shed 1 to 2 times each (all are older than him) since we bought him and he hasn't. Any other suggestions on what the problem could be? Is this even really a problem? The temperature is the same as the other tanks, so I don't believe it is a temperature problem either. He's deficating usual also. Should I be concerned?




  1. He might find the heat a little bit too high.  try bumping it down a degree or two and see if he doesn't hang out in the water as much.  Otherwise, if he has a clean bill of health from a  vet, and is eating and pooping regularly for you, and is active when you handle him, it sounds like he just prefers to be a water baby.  I would imagine he'll be shedding soon if he's eating well.  Get him checked out but it sounds like you are keeping him quite happy.  He's a lucky little guy!

  2. You might want to lower the temp anyways. He might prefer lower temps. If its not that, he may just like laying in the water. You might want to get a vets opinion too though. Just in case.

  3. my first answer would be mites.  and even if you almost positive its not mites, it doesnt hurt to go ahead and treat for them.  

  4. Yes i'm honestly not sure because i have a  ball python too  his/her temp should be 80-90 degrees Farrand height if higher you need to lower it 91 or 92 obviously don't worry too much but my snake does pop his head in nw and then but he doesn't bath lol i'm not sure maybe it is the ground you are using use either wood chips or gravel DO NOT use sand or anything like that other wise if i was a snake i would go in the water too lol putting a ball python in sand is like putting you in sawdust (itchy and horrid ) if none of my advice helps maybe give the vet a quick ring they will sort you out in no time !!! and shedding wise my snake took about 3-5 weeks to do his first shed how long have you had him??!!

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