
Ball Python Stressed?

by Guest45003  |  earlier

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I was handling him for quite a while and well after that long while of holding him he curled up into a ball and stayed like that so I put him back and he is still in the same spot in the same position and it's been about 20 minutes already. Is he stressed or is it something else?




  1. How long have you had him, if yesterday or a couple days ago, let it get used to its environment. When Ball Python curl up in a ball, it means they are stressed.

  2. He is just stress. Just don't hold him for a while. And don't hold him a few days before feeding him since you don't want to stress him out even more to the point that he wouldn't eat.

    Hope this could help! Just email me if you have any more questions!

  3. Sense snakes are coldblooded their body temp. goes to about the temp. around them.  When snakes are cold there don't move around as much because their blood isn't flowing as fast.  So when he warms up he should move around.  You shouldn't keep your snake out for more then a half hour.  If it is new it could also be stressed.

  4. Most snakes aren't too fond of being held, so yes, he's probably a bit freaked.

    I would suggest turning off the light and leaving the room, if you can.  Give your snake a couple of days to calm down.  You have to remember, as much as we love them, the snakes see us as predators.  They don't know we're not going to hurt them, so holding them for long periods of time can be very very stressful.

    Just give him some time to relax, and limit your holdings to about 20 minutes.  Eventually he'll get a bit more used to you.

  5. ya just alittle i would limit it to 10 mintues a day tops that all. it will never be broke of the not  wanting to handle becaues it is a snake not a dog!!

  6. I wouldnt say his stressed! If he curled up in your hand like that he was just relaxing with you! If he curled up in his cage his just sleeping or in defesive mode! If you just got your ball python try not holding him for two long till he gets use to his tank! His fine just leave him alone and try handling him tomorrow or whatever and see how he reacts! Good luck hope I helped some!

  7. hes just scared (hopfully) thts y they are called the BALL python cuz when they get scared they ball up in a little ball like a defensive action
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