
Ball Python lost in Apartment Kitchen- i think- HELP!?

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I know there are a lot of questions like this on what to do but all of them were lost in someone's room. Mine got lost in my apartment's kitchen- i was feeding him and forgot to put him back in his tank so when i got back to his box he popped out on his own and now i can't find him. There's this hole that leads to an unknown place in the bottom of a cabinet in my kitchen and my fear is that he went into that and i can't get in there to get him. I pulled out the fridge and he's not under there, looked under the oven, dishwasher, all my cabinets and drawers, my closets, between and under my couches, my bed and bedroom, laundry, bathroom- i am going out of my mind because i have looked really everywhere! I am so worried that he might be in the apartment next to me or that he might have gone to the hole of no return- people are horrible to snakes because they are scared and i just hope he's safe. Any advice??




  1. if the hole is in an unnoticable place then i would make it big enough to put my hand and a falsh light in and see what is in it. It is most likly a rat hole(old or new) and the snake smelled rats and went in to investigate. This happened to me with a corn snake but the hole was attached to the outside and I never found her agian. :(  but good luck there is always achance of the hole not being to big and you can get the snake back.

  2. Don’t look just in the kitchen…I’ve had snakes get out and go pretty far from where they left while others stay in the same general area of the escape.

    The best places to look are under the fridge and stove (the like the heat) also in the clothes hamper under piles of clothes.  Don’t forget they can climb…look on table legs in room corners in closets…depending on how small the snake is look in shoes.  If you have hardwood or vinyl floors you could put a row of flour down at doorways and such, if the snake crosses the flour it will trail…you will at least be able to tell which way the snake went.  A friend of ours found his ball python in a bag of substrate that he had bought…there was a hole that the snake went in through.  It will show up eventually.  We had one ball python that used to get out and go up under a table (there was a “shelf” under the table where the snake liked to go.  Another ball python got out and went into the couch cushions…another time he got out and just went exploring.  Another ball python got out and went behind a large blanket chest.  Another ball python got out and she was gone for about 3 weeks then one night we heard a crash and went to investigate and she was on top of the table going toward her “house”.  Lets see…we had a blood python that got out and crawled up on top of the ball python cage another blood got out and went under his cage.  Our kingsnake got out and we found her in a dresser drawer.  The point is we have had lots of escapes and none of them were permanently lost…snakes are crazy.

  3. I Wouldn't just isolate the search to the kitchen,i would everywhere i could,and its a good possibility he is in that hole under the cap nets and it just leads to the under neath of the cab nets and that's all,but wait and see if he pokes his head out at night to come out.

    Good Luck

  4. Snkaes are not crazy, we are for thinking we could restrain them. Much like the person above my answer, I too have had numerous escapees. My worst offender was my Brooksi King. She got out of her cage and wound up in the heater whcih lead outside and inside the wall. I pulled out the whole heater(this is an old apratment) and caught a glimpse of her slip into the wall...I lost her for 1 full month. I had a 10 gallon fish tank with fish(duh) in em atop a 4 foot dresser. I came home one day not even thinking about it and went over to feed the fish....BAM there she was in the tank getting a drink of water. Point is yes search all over, remember they are notcurnal and crepascular, keep an eye out, but dont give up hope. I would let your neighbors know so they dont freak out too much. Good luck my friend!

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