
Ball lightning? Is it true that those things can travel through windows, and float around in your house?

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stalking you and finally, when you're cornered, it will zap you and kill you ?

What a horrible, insidious thing to happen!

And i heard there are documented cases of this happening.

No wonder people used to be superstitious and believed in ghosts. If you have glowing spheres that come out during bad weather, appear through windows, down chimneys, etc, and stalk you in your own home, and then kill you instantly !!!

What can i buy or wear to protect me from these things?!?!




  1. Uhh, didn't you RTFA? They aren't really sure what it is in the first place! So how are they supposed to know how to protect you from it?  

    And hardly anyone died.  Put your energy (har har) in some more relevant news, please.

  2. Man, what are you on?  Of course it's not true. What you're referring to is the IRS who follow you around as balls of lightning if you don't pay your taxes

  3. Ball lightening really?  I am to research this to make a more informed deductions but thanks for the insight never heard of it before.  A link would have been great.

  4. Ball lightning?? Maybe. I'm sure of lightning bolt. Saw it on a rainy day in an open area. The bolt struck a tree slicing it in two.If it had been a human being it struck , it sure would have  killed the victim.

    So you need something to protect you against this thing in your mind. The Caribbean folks have them. If you are somewhere in Florida, ask those from the Carib.They will advise you where you can them - the amulets(?).

  5. mmmmmmmm........Its fifty fifty  people who experienced it say its true who do not says its all rubbish....U know I think its.........................hmmmmmmmmmm

  6. I've heard of it happening... -But it's an EXTREMELY rare occurance... & highly unlikely to be experienced by any One person. You're MUCH more likely to be struck by regular Lightning while talking on the Phone during a Thunderstorm- than you are ever even SEEING an incidence of Ball Lightning. So don't worry about it.  :)

  7. my mom was born in 1923 up in the south bend /misawaka area of indiana.  they lived out on a farm back then.  a ball of lightning went threw the front door of the home and traveled straight out the back door when she was young.  i never take a bath, wash dishes, or do laundry in nasty weather you just risk a chance of encounting almost anything.  my home was built in 1950 so it isnt a modern building eithor.

  8. Yes. Extremely rare. Only happens when God is extremely angry at someone. You can prevent by not doing things that tick off God...or I can sell you a certified ball lighting preventer charm for $200.

  9. I have a younger brother who lives in Torguay UK and during a thunderstorm he was sitting in a basement room when  a strange glowing ball floated across the floor climbed up a table leg, connected to the aerial of his telephone which then exploded in a huge flash. He was sure it was "ball lightening"

  10. When I was a teenager, my parents and I witnessed the phenomenon you describe when it sailed through a closed bathroom window on the lower floor of our house and then meandered through several rooms, finally exiting through a kitchen window.  Go figure.

  11. I saw it only once when I was 12 years old. It was outside and I was inside. It was about the size of a basketball. It caught my attention out the window as it followed a power line, in to my field of view. Then, at one of the wooden utility poles, it went down the pole and disappeared at the ground. It was very fast. As for passing through glass, and stalking you in your home - I don't know. All lightening has only one goal. That's finding the most suitable route to the ground.

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