
Ball python question???

by Guest33653  |  earlier

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H i I am looking for a ball python to buy I just want a normal one with no morphs just normal . I was wondering If any one knew If this website

was reliable and if $30 for a male / $40 for a female normal morph ball python is a good deal???

actually any help would be great,

oh and is "Lamia" a good name for one ???




  1. I pay 5.00 for males and 15-20.00 for females.  

  2. Yeah that is a good price. The thing is if you buy one over the internet you never really know what kind of condition the snake is in...check local pet store for good prices then you can see it and hold it before you buy.

    Good luck

  3. the cost is ok it seems kind of low. you need to make sure that the ball python is a captive breed and not a wild caught one. i have just bought one that was not captive breed and the poor thing had not eaten n 5 months. i was getting worried about it. i had tried to feed it a small mouse but she had no interest in it. today i went out and bought a gerbil and the snake finally eat i do feel better. but as i said before you need to find out if the ones you are looking for are captive breed. it will sve you alot of worry nd the feeding will be easier and less expensive if you can feed them mice or rats. hope this is helpful.

  4. ye thats a great price where i live they are 65 bucks cheapest.

  5. Most cities, areas have herp organizations that put on expos. There you will find honest breeders that back up their stuff! I don't know where you live, but google your state/area for herp / reptile shows. That would also give you an upper hand of getting a captive, not wild, so you will have less feeding problems, less stress on you and the snake... and you will be able to see and actually feel the snake before your purchase. I never dealt with larger companies that ship to your door, but have purchased from breeders with great success and paid a good price. In Pennsylvania and Ohio, most normal patterns, captive youngsters that are eating well sells for around the $50 mark / females a bit higher.  

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