
Ballack i know u r a footballer but please i want u to take me to ur academy so i can play in the premiership

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can u email me if you are ready to take me to your academy because i live in nigeria so i want to play soccer badly and im so good that i can play in the big team so please help me.SANUSI MOHAMMED




  1. Sorry mate, I doubt Ballack has the time or the inclination to participate in Yahoo Answers.

  2. i dont think Ballack will come on YA!

    Bad luck pal.

  3. Ballack's is married man its better you quit studies for soccer....

  4. First of all i appreciate your interest in football. I too love playing and watching football. But do u really believe that Ballack will read this question?  

  5. sorry Sanusi i dont think ballack is in yahoo messagers.

    try this website

  6. can u show ur skill in youtube or something?

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