
Ballerina's Out there?

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Hi! I'm 15 years old and I was wanting some info about ballet. I have been dancing for only 2 years now and I made my High Schools Drill team for next year. We do different kinds of dance of course but I really would like to take in ballet. I have been dreaming about it forever and I am so passionate for it. I want to get in a class for it but I don't want to join and look stupid because I didn't know anything. I took dance my freshman year and we learned lots about ballet. Please answer my questions down bellow! It would be so nice to get as much as information as possiable. Thanks (:

-Is it to late for me to take up ballet if I am 15 and haven't been dancing my whole life?

-Is there a certin body type I would need to have?

-Should I take a beginner class?

-What type of attire would I wear to a class?

Please just tell me anything you know!




  1. It's not 2 late 2 sign up 4 a class. The serious dancers that r going 2 train and dance 4 their career have 2 be extra skinny, but some1 who's looking just 2 learn like u it doesn't particularly matter. But the more in shape u are the better. If u've never taken a proper ballet class u should start in beginners, so then u can be on the same level as every 1 else. Dance studios usually have the dress code. But 4 ballet it's usually pink tights and a leotard. Some places allow shorts over or a skirt, and some don't it would depend on where u take. But just have fun!

  2. Your questions:

    - It's never too late to study ballet.  It may be too late for you to become a professional ballet dancer in a company, but that should not hold you back from dancing.

    - Dancers on a professional track in ballet often fall into a particular "body type", but there are exceptions and intense training can help dancers overcome many disadvantages.  If you are not planning on a pro career - don't worry about body type.

    - Yes, you should probably start with a beginner class for teens.

    - Dress code often depends on the school/studio - a black leotard and pink tights with ballet slippers is traditional.

    Ballet is hard work and the progress can be slow.  Find a quality teacher and take in all the corrections and knowledge he/she has to offer.  Don't expect to work on pointe like the professionals without spending more than 3 or 4 hours per week in ballet class alone for at least 2-3 years.  If a teacher is willing to put you on pointe before this, they are probably not a quality ballet teacher.  Good luck!

  3. aww man.....i have that same issue. i don't want to look stupid. i wish i was in some kind of dance since i was little...but i wasn't.... =[ i wish i could join ballet also.

  4. I think its great that you want to start ballet! You should DEFINITELY go for it!

    15 is not too late to start class and enjoy it. It may, however, be too late to become a professional ballet dancer. However, there are a wide range of jobs in the dance world you could consider in the future - and ballet is your stepping stone into them! It doesn't matter if you haven't danced 1 second in your life! Ballet is for everyone - young, old, large, small, shy, outgoing - whoever!

    A slender body type (but healthy!) is probably better for ballet, but NOT a requirement. This is a stereotype. However, professional ballet dancers are generally slender because it is easier to jump higher, dance en pointe, and also because they take ballet for hours and hours everyday, so do get alot of excersise! But don't worry about your body type! As I said, ballet is for everyone!

    There are many options for the class you would take. I recommend calling ballet schools in your local area and finding out what they offer for beginners. Some schools offer teen beginner classes, adult beginner classes etc. However, if these are not available, be aware you may start with people slightly younger than yourself. Don't let this discourage you though. You probably will quickly move up to people your own age.

    Traditional ballet attire is a leotard, pink tights, ballet slippers, a bun and maybe a skirt. Later you will think about pointe shoes. It depends what school you go to as to what attire is required of you!

    Other options you may like to consider are not just ballet schools, but dance schools. These not only teach ballet, but also teach tap, jazz, hip hip, lyrical and more! You may like to try these as well!

    I started ballet when i was almost 14 (so a year younger than you.) I have since has 2 ballet solos, gained Student of the Year Award, Most Promising Students Award, and teach at my dance school. I dance just for fun, not a career. I thought it would be nice for you to hear that!
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