
Ballet Barre?

by  |  earlier

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Okay so im looking fro a ballet barre that is under £100 and that is adjustable. i have found few but they are really expensive. I want a free standing one that i can adjust to the right height

Thenx xox





    id try ebayy, i get all dance stuff from there. the above link is one thats £117, but keep looking and i bet theyll be one for less.

  2. ak ask me dance school how much ours was and where we got it and al get back to you if its bellow 100 if u dont here anythin it was obv over =]

  3. I suggest getting a barre from The Barre Company. The first one on the page given below is only 95 dollers!! And shipping is only like 30 bucks or something.

    Here's the link:

    Have a nice night!!


  4. Harlequin floors do them but prob expensive. What about 'Dancing Times'? They have ads for that sort of thing.

  5. goto your local hardware store. look at the closet rail and pvc pipe. imagine yourself building your own, saving oodles of money, and using the rest to buy something you cant make. ie a mirror.
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