
Ballet improvement questions!!?

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For all the ballet dancers out there, how do I increase my balance, placemment, and back and core strength? Thank you!




  1. For back and core strength, take some palates classes.

    Balance is all about your core.

    And remember, Ballet is just as mental as it is physical. Focus.


    I really didn't feel like writing a novel, but I tried to make my opinion short and sweet.

    Good Luck in all you do!

  2. Keep practicing as often as possible. For balance, just tighten all of your muscles and focus. What helps me is staring at one inanimate object and focusing on that. As for strength, just keep on stretching and excercising.

  3. To improve balance: Make sure that your standing posture is upright, your rotators are clenched, your knees aren't relaxed, your weight is over your toes, your ribs are pushed up and out and your shoulders are pushed down, your neck is elongated, your face looks out, and most importantly, you feel confident and determined!

    To improve placement: Pay close attention to your instructor and where their placement is. Imitate this closely. Practise, practise, and practise!

    To increase back strength: Visit this link, where there are free, easily accessible exercise videos, showing how to do a wide variety of exercises to increase your back strength, including an introduction to increasing your back strength. Here is the link:

    To increase core strength: Visit this link, where there are free, easily accessible exercise videos, showing how to do a wide variety of exercises to increase your core strength, including an introduction to increasing your core strength. This also works for toning.

    Here is the link:

    I hope this helps!

  4. Balance: Practice the scorpion and flamingo a lot. Try holding it everyday for 1 minute, at least. After you get used to the time you have been holding it, increase the time that you hold it. Also, practice holding your arabasques (leg back and hand forward) for a certain time and do the same as you did with the scorpion and flamingo.

    Placement: You can't much change the level that you are placed in, but just work hard and practice and you might be moved up.

    Back strength: Also try holding your arabasques as high as you can up.

    Core strength:Try to make sure that you are keeping your hips in when doing grande battements (big kicks). Also make sure that you are also keeping your back straight when you do them.

    *For all of these, do it for a certain time, and keep making it challenging to you, so that you are still working all of these things.

  5. i know this is hard to believe, but if you just do plies and releves. do how ever many you want to a day. they help with balance and helping you find your center, if you hold your arms in 1st, 2nd, or 5th, your back and core will strengthen because you need both to keep your placement & balance! you cant do them at half-will, do them full out for great results!

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