
Ballet information???????

by  |  earlier

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Hello, i am very interested in doing ballet since i don't really have a sport at the moment. Any good information would be very helpful

and i want to know, do you always get calluses from ballet? I love my feet since they are calluse free and soo soft. any way to pervent calluses?




  1. okay ballet is great but you have to do tap and jazz to! those are my favorite

    well you probably wont get calluses because youll be in a beginner class and they wont work you THAT hard but if/when you get on pointe...whew youll get calluses, but calluses are good they "protect" your feet kind of make your feet stronger in a way calluses are a part of ballet and they are GOOD!!!!

    pointe is very painful...

    but very fun and rewarding...

    hopefully youll stay in ballet long enough to go on pointe...


    hair in bun, pink tights some studios let you wear black, black leotard...i love dancing!

  2. ballet is great, ive been doing it since i was really little. when starting ballet, the teachers strives for really good turnout, straight knees, your butt tucked under and your upper body lifted, and when doing balances, all of that  plus making sure your shoulders are over your toes. its actually harder then it seems, but its good for toning and strenghting your muscles, plus it helps you feel better about yourself, so with ballet your gaining both physically and emotionally. but with your feet, since you dont have callauses now, you probably wont get them, i think its pretty rare in my condition because i dance so much in my bare feet and i have no calluses, my competition teacher, and my mom who is also my ballet teacher are worried that i could hurt my feet, because i dont have that hard cushion-y spot to use to turn with on my feet, but calluses are really good in ballet and dance in general.

    i hope this helps you out, good luck with your decision.

  3. I can't really give you any information that won't be better covered in an actual class. It's so much better to be able to see what the teacher is talking about and be able to ask questions, so wait until you enroll in classes. If you want to be better prepared before your first class, see if you can watch the class you will be taking first. You should look for a teen beginner class so that you will be with other beginners but not little kids.

    About the calluses, I didn't get any until I went en pointe, which you won't so until you've done ballet for a few years. Pointe is when you wear special shoes that support your feet and ankles and allow you to stand on the very tips of your toes. It takes a lot of strength and practice, and it is very beautiful when done correctly. However, it is rather painful and causes blisters, which turn into calluses. They help a lot with the pain, so most people consider them a good thing and don't remove them.

  4. Im a dancer and I don't have calluses on my feet. I guess its because I get my feet professionally done every 2 weeks which helps a lot.  

  5. u dont alwayz get calluses...i think if u moisturize ur feet and take care of them that wont happen. I've been dancing almost 11 years now and i havent had much problems with them. Other feet problem ya...but its wrth it. That would b a stupid reason not to do it..go for it.

  6. uhmm look up the ballet dictionary and you should just learn the basics but you need to wear pink tights, a black leotard, and your hair in a neat tight bun. you need to be verry seriouse about it and not fool around. some things you may want to look up to begin with areeee.....


    grande jete

    grande battment

    saut de chat


    pas de bourre


    first position

    second position

    third position

    fourth position

    fifth position

    (arms and feet)





    and tendu

    those are just a couple but you should look them up on the ballet dictionary and on youtube.

    gooooood luck =]]

    have fun

    ohh- and about the calluses yes you will most likely get them but just scrub your feet everyday and take realllly good care of them.

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