
Ballet question - flexibility?

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I am starting a ballet course in Sept.. I haven't done ballet in YEARS, and am nowhere near as flexible as one should be, and, to tell the truth, a bit out of shape. I'll be taking a course that I've been told is suitable for beginners... but I'm just wondering if my lack of flexibility will have an effect? Is it something that I can improve at 21 years old?




  1. You can most definitely improve your flexibility at 21 years old. And you can also improve your technique at 21 too.

    Good luck and enjoy!

  2. any good ballet class will have you sore the next day

    a beginners ballet class usually does not involve anything that needs you to be TOO flexible, but you should be able to feel yourself using muscles you wouldn't normally use if you're doing everything right.

    At 21 you can most definitely improve your flexibility

    good luck!

  3. if the course you are taking is for beginners, then your flexibility won't matter too much.

    the time when it begins to matter is when you get up to the pointe level.

  4. honestly i think if you had the flexibility once you can get it back again.  If you just practice and stick with it i think you will do well.

  5. Um... depends on the shape your body is in.  If you're in good shape, you can definitely get it back, although it will take more time than when you were younger.  It will have an effect on your dancing, but not for too many months as long as you diligently work at it.  In physical education, we learned that in order to improve flexibility, you should not bounce the muscle, but instead you should hold a stretch for at least a minute and a half.  You rarely see anyone doing this at the gym, but if you want to see improvements, hold that stretch for at least a minute and a half.  Good luck, its wonderful you're coming back into dancing!

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