
Ballet question?

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Ok, when you are in ballet and doing turns, which way is the "right way" to turn and with which leg?

I am a gymnast and I turn to the left with my left leg. If I were to do this in ballet would it be concidered incorrect?




  1. There are different ways of turning or doing pirouettes in Ballet. It depends on the choreography or exercise, you can turn either with your left or right leg, and you can either do a clockwise or counter clockwise turns on either leg. It's called outside turn (think when the non turning knee is turning outside of the body) or inside turn (when the non turning knee is turning inside the body).

    Here's a sample of an outside turn first followed by an inside turn.

    Here are different kinds of turns.

  2. Well there is no certain way actually.

    There is a turn called ondior when you have your right leg up and you turn to the left.

    An ondidon is when your right leg is up and you turn to the right.

    Its the same with the left leg.

    Ondior - Left leg, right turn

    Ondidon - Left leg, left turn
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