
Ballet question??

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Hi. I'm a mid teen and I want to learn how to do ballet. And even before you say it, I know, I'm not going to be a great or probably even a good ballet dancer. BUT it looks like fun and I like stretches and stuff like that, so I was wondering what I need to do first? I can't actually take a ballet class, but I was wondering if you knew of a good instructional video or a really good book that would teach it to me. ANY help whatsoever, in any form will be greatly appretiated!! Thanks!




  1. unfortunately ballet is one of those dances that without the fundamental basics learnt u can not progress any further with.Fun and doing the dance on a whim do not really come into it, you either have to give it your all or choose another form of dance to learn

  2. Learning ballet through books and video is like learning to fly a plane without actually learning in a plane but just through books and videos. You need proper instructions to learn how to do ballet correctly. Like any sports, dance build certain muscle and body formation for ballet, ballet, modern, or contemporary dance style. You have to know how to do that correctly.  You need to do turn outs correctly so you won't hurt or destroy your knees and ankles. You need to have some one check your body alignment and dance movement. It's just a matter of doing it correctly and building good habits, and avoiding bad ones. Learn what you can from books and videos but, do the practical with a teacher. If you have and can find one, look for one where you can go or do it when you get to college that offer it.

  3. Not sure if this is right, but

    You can search things liek LEARN BALLET ONLINE on google and try it out.

    I truly believe that maybe .. attending classes would be the best way to learn ballet correctly to assure that you A. Learn correctly B. Don't hurt yourself C. Learn faster and better.

    but yeah, GOODLUCK ! you'll do great (=

  4. um.,try looking for a school that has ballet. or look it up online.

  5. I definatly think you should try to get an instuctor you  could work hands on i think you would benifit alot from that but videos and books i dont know of a good one.

  6. where do you live if you live in pikeville ky there is a place in town called pikeville collage dance program i go there you can ask for peggy and she will help you messege me for more she can tell you places too
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