
Ballet........self taught!?

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I am 15 and I have done ballet on and off for a long time. (I was very ill so I had to stop for a good three years.) I have done many begginers classes, but would like to start properly and carry on doing it. The problem is that at the last ballet classes I went to, I didn't talk to many of the other girls and they all had friends e.t.c I felt very uncomfortable dancing in front of them too. I know you not doing ballet for a social thing, but being shy really effected how I danced. I know all the basics and was thinking that maybe I could teach myself. Is this possible do you think? would love to do a proper class again, but I just don't have the confidence and none of my friends like dance, so they won't do it either! Any advice would be appreciated! Also do you think that I can become a dance teacher even though I am starting properly at the age of 15? thanks :)




  1. I think things like that happen not only in ballet classes but in other places as well. People feel uncomfortable with people they do not know that that's is why they don't talk. You are new to the class. It is natural that the girls are feel awkward around you. I'm sure they do not mean to make you feel unwelcomed. Don't let it get at you. Just be yourself. Let them get to know you. They'll warm up to you if you show that you are willing to make friends. if you don't let your shyness get in the way of what might turn out to be beautiful friendships.

    It doesn't matter if you start late. Just do your best in class. Always strive to better yourself, not other people. You might not be as good as them yet, but it does not mean you never will, and others will appreciate that you are giving all that you have and respect you for that.

    As for self-learning, I wouldn't encourage it. Ballet is a highly technical art form. That is a lot more to ballet technique than the basic positions and moves. Each student makes different mistakes on different things. Only a teacher who sees you doing it will be able to correct them. Also, it is easy to get hurt if you do not know the right way to execute a step,

    My advice, don't stop. Keep going for classes. Friendships take time to flourish. Work hard and you can only get better in your dancing. And most importantly, you will find that doing what you like is a very, very rewarding thing.

  2. I think you should just make friends with the girls in the class! I'm starting ballet and I don't know anyone in my class. I don't have any of my friends doing ballet. Make friends!

  3. i've answered the same question to another dancer on here and i believe it is definitely possible.  the only advantage the other dancer had over you was that her mother was a ballet instructor so she had someone knowledgable to overlook her work.  

    if shyness is the issue, you could always take private lessons for a while till you feel comfortable enough to get back into the regular classes, it may be a bit more pricey, but in that instance, you would be able to have someone feed you constructive criticism and correct your movements if necessary.

    if it really isn't feasible to take the private lessons, see if you can get dvds, there you can get the benefit of seeing someone execute the movement correctly.

    i've been shy a lot of the times, in fact i still have issues biting the bullet and getting out onto the studio floor, but sometimes that's just what you have to do because you're only holding yourself back ya know?

    when you do get the courage to go back into the classroom, just remember, there are other people going through the same thing you are, no one's going to admit it, but they are.  keep that thought in mind and also keep your focus on the instructor as well as yourself, what everyone else is doing is not really your concern.  sometimes that's the only way i can get the courage to get through a class when i start worrying about the other dancers.

    and as far as becoming a dance teacher, yes it is possible, i started formal dance training at the age of 14 and became a dance instructor and i know several of my classmates that did as well, so go for it!

    i know you can do it!!

    dance your heart out and let us know how it goes!

  4. I had the same problem wen i was in 7th grade i got moved up to the intermediate class ( i had only taken ballet for 2 years) the ballet class was more girls my age. most of them were a year younger and had been dancing for pretty much since they could walk. i had no friends in that class but i was very good and still learning. i was really flexible. i knew the basics but they knew a lot more than me. i started picking it up fast i didnt really show that i cared what they thought after a month or two of being in their class a few girls started warmign up to me. by the end of the year we were the best of friends. now we still are. we are all used to how each other dance. like wel have turners and we have the flexible ones. the goofy ones and bad ones. ut in the end we all laugh and remember the time wen we werent liek that. im actually and the top of my class now. i dont talk in class becuase i take it seriously but the respect me eough that wen i tell them to shut up they do!

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