
Balls jumping off the table?

by  |  earlier

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ok so i had myself a great weekend away from work. but saturday night had a problem keeping the balls on the table. niether me or roomate has ever had this problem in the past (including other drunkin moments) it was usual table we play at (only 9 ft in a bar by our house) any ideas on what may have been causeing this to happen. if the table is in need of repair bar probable take our word on it (they know us very well) and wasnt just with cue ball in all balls. mainly on left side of rack as you look at it when breaking.




  1. Hi,

    I do play pool a lot....what is usually happening is the english is to low to table.

    (you are placing your cue to low on the cue ball) Try using a different english even a slightly bit higher.

    Hope this helps!  :)

  2. Sounds like you better check if the cushions are tight if all balls a loose rail will flip the balls when they hit esp on hard shots

    If it was just the cue ball stick to high level it

  3. Shaving them may help.

  4. u were hitting 2 low

  5. Got to agree with bad cushions

  6. This is a difficult one to answer without seeing the table or how you shoot.

    If it's a 9 foot table there's a good chance it's not a single slate table, so there might be a bump where the slates are meeting that is acting as a ramp.  Check the table by rolling a ball slowly across where you usually break, if it goes askew the slates not connecting properly.

    Like I said, hard to answer, but thought I'd say something other than adjust your break.

  7. you are aiming too low on the cue ball. If you can imagine a square on the cue ball and aime in the center of the square you won't have this problem. It's how pro's put English on the ball and make it curve but when you're breaking your aiming way below the imaginary square and basically popping it up off the table.

    Hope that helps.


  9. I would say the bumpers are bad.

    When I was younger, we had an old pool table in the cowboy's bunk house & it was old & used a lot.  You could stand at one end, shoot a ball at the other end & when the ball hit the bumper it would fly up & back at you.  If you didn't move it would nail you.

  10. Check to see if the table is level and if that's not the issue it might need to be refelted and have the sticks looked at too

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