OK, I'm trying to compare two cruises here: one is Royal Caribbean, and the other is Celebrity. I want to know the pros and cons of the Baltic from an experienced cruiser. I want to know what are the top attractions, and which cruise I should choose, even though I am leaning more towards the Royal Caribbean one. Please help, my summer depends on you! :)
Royal Caribbean: http://www.royalcaribbean.com/findacruise/cruiseDetails/itineraryAndPricing.do;jsessionid=0000tLMtaIeXs8Iwoys6kdyJy3w:10ktmevl6?packageCode=JW12EHA4&sailDate=1070712&date=20073&selectedCurrencyCode=&promoType=
Celebrity: http://www.celebritycruises.com/search/vacationItinerary.do;jsessionid=0000T3fDxwoQq4g5cvAHePRi_J2:1028etrd4?packageCode=CN12U007&backPageName=Itinerary+Search+Results
And the last question is will I be disappointed with my time in Russia, since there is so much to do?