Baltimore Ravens QB Joe Flacco needs to move above average to get credit for wins – NFL News
Baltimore Ravens quarterback Joe Flacco has been credited to inspire a change this season that has kept the team get going with consistent victories even though they have suffered on the defensive line to an alarming extent.
Overall, Joe remains below 60 percent’s average in completion of passes but nears throwing for 4000 yards in total. He has particularly been effective with no-huddle offence. Since the Ravens did not move completely to focus no-huddle offence, as suggested
by some reports, the QB proved his mettle whenever an opportunity became available to him.
This is the reason that the team has finally got rid of offensive coach Cam Cameron. One of reasons behind his removal is Flacco's complaint about the issue of the team being taken away from no-huddle offensive scheme.
It is also described as a reason behind the quarterback’s inability to excel in pass completion. The quarterback nears 60 percent pass completion ratio but all commentators agree he could have excelled if was provided with more opportunities.
A particular point to be noted here that the player himself said is that he has been enjoying no-huddle offence, which for the first time was introduced by new quarterbacks coach Jim Caldwell, who has trained and groomed quarterbacks like Peyton Manning.
Flacco has an opportunity to improve his performance in remaining three games of the season under Caldwell’s supervision as he has now been handed down the responsibility of offensive coordination at place of Cameron.
The lack of coordination between the OC and QBs coach was probably the key factor that became a point of contention for the QB, and finally he was found complaining about it a couple of weeks ago. His performance was also affected during this time.
Now it is time for Flacco to prove his credentials for the no-huddle offence, as with Caldwell in charge of the offensive line, all is set to be done to facilitate him. The stakes are apparently high for the quarterback to prove himself.
The Ravens are just at edge of a playoff berth and if Flacco is able to lead them through to the second round at earliest possible, the team will have enough time to sort out their strategy for the postseason.