
Bamboo shrimp or ghost shrimp?

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Should I get a bamboo shrimp (also called a wood shrimp, fan shrimp, or asian filter shrimp) or a ghost shrimp? Which one is better at filtering detritus? Do either of them eat algae? As much info as you know about these two shrimps, please! Thank you!




  1. If you have other fish in your tank I wouldn't get shrimp. If you want something to eat the algae in your tank you should get an algae fish, catfish, or snail. I had to ghost shrimp in my tank and they disappeared within a couple of days. But if you want to get shrimp get bamboo shrimp because I imagine they are easier to see than ghost shrimp.  

  2. Peronal choice for me woudl be Ghost Shrimp as Bamboo Shrimp can get quite big.  I have one Ghost Shrimp and i have had him nearing 2 years, very hard.  He lives in my moss ball that floats in the tank :-)

    Ghost Shrimp:

    Bamboo Shrimp:

  3. Ghost Shrimp are more entertaining, as they tend to swim laps across the front of the tank, and they are definitely easier to feed and keep.  Bamboo Shrimp, however, have the appeal of being quite large, less common, and filter feeders with fan claws.  Bamboo Shrimp will remove tiny particles from the water, while Ghost Shrimp will eat small bits of food on plants, the substrate, etc.  Neither will eat diatoms or hair algae, but the Bamboo Shrimp will likely eat some of the Volvox responsible for green water.

    I would go with the Bamboo Shrimp.

  4. i don't won't to be shrimp xpurt i just like to eat gate big shrimp, ym ym.  

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