
Ban on hoodie sweatshirts in DPS?

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I live in Detroit MI & will be attending a DPS high school this year and all schools in the Detroit Public School District have a policy against "hoodie" sweatshirts. The reason is supposed to be that commonly people wearing hoodies commit crimes and when you see people being arrested they are often wearing hoodies. This however makes no sense to me because if I were inclined to commit a crime I would do it regardless of what I was wearing and you can put whatever you want on once you leave the school building. I was wondering if anyone else agreed with me or could help me see the logic behind this rule.




  1. Hoodies are worn by the criminal element when they commit crimes because it makes it easy to hide your identity. This is a school system and there have been a lot of school violence causing the school systems to take every precaution to protect the kids. This isn't even an inconvenience to the kids and it could help make the schools why not?

  2. Back in my day we weren't allowed to wear anything on our heads as we entered a government property out of respect.

    "if I were inclined to commit a crime I would do it regardless of what I was wearing"

    Actually, you would be wearing something to help try and hide your identity, such as a hoodie.

  3. First off in public schools if there's a debate between a studnets rights and safety of a large number of children safety comes first. Hoodies are banned in a lot of schools, they can cover your face while you commite a crime so you can't be identified, plus it's easy to conceal things inside a hoodie. All schols have dress codes so this isn't that surprising.

  4. this is just another example of putting your finger in the dam instead of simply repairing it, closing a door to a messy room instead of cleaning the room in the first place, in other words putting a band-aide on a problem instead of fixing it in the first place. what's next a ban on ski masks?!!! d**n...get a grip!

    as usual government & so-called authority is too much in peoples private life. question, how is a ban on hoodies going to curb crime? the only thing that will do that is making the punishment for crime more harsh, it's as simple as that.

    ex. in sinapore where my aunt is from crime there is nearly unheard of. because of the penaties they've got there.

    i'm sorry my mind-set is by itself a gun is harmless, guns don't kill people...people kill people. and how is baning a simlpe hoodie will lower crime?!!!

    there is as much logic behind this "new-rule" as taking a shower with a three peice suit on....hey people commit crimes with cars, do they want to band them too?!!!

    anyone who goes to d.p.s. beware, they may ban sweatsocks next! :-D

  5. In England hoodies are also banned from most shopping centres aswell as schools due to teenagers being able to hide and not b identifyed  

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