
Ban on serving obese prohibition???

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What do you think of this?

I am currently dieting (actually whole lifestyle change) and if I wanted to treat myself to a meal ... I wouldnt be able to????




  1. It's stupid!  It's their choice to eat whatever they want and if it's not good for them they have to live with the consequences.  Sorry but a babysitter at McDonalds isn't going to stop people from being obese.

  2. that's crazy! and i dont think it's the eating out so much, i think it's the lack of exercise ppl are doing.

  3. How would they  police this ? Will people  have to get weighed before the host is allowed to seat them? And what about that small minority of people who are fat  through no fault of their own, say people who are taking certain types of medication? Will they get a special dispensation? And what about women who have recently  had a child and may have put on weight, will they be given a temporary  ban?

  4. totally asinine and it will never go thru.  an obvious violation of human rights.  do lawmakers have nothing better to do?  apparently mississippi has no corruption, crime, or homelessness problems and everyone has a job because now they want to make laws governing who can and can't eat at a restaurant.  yeah like I want to go out to eat and see a sign out front that says "you must weigh this much to eat here."  lets waste more of our tax money shall we?

  5. I think it's hilariously far-fetched.  Frankly, a lot of people aren't mature, educated, or intelligent to manage their weight themselves, so maybe they need some impetus to lose weight.  

    You are dieting, and more importantly changing your lifestyle, so I am proud of you.  But think of the parents that go to the movies and each get their large tub of popcorn, and teach their kids that they should eat eat a large tub of popcorn as well, which leads to unhealthy obese children.  They obviously are too stupid to make the mature choices that you have, so perhaps the government should step in.

    I think there should be laws limiting portion sizes and fat and sugar content in foods.  Instead of french fries at McDonalds, offer steamed broccoli and carrots.  

    Hey!  How about tax breaks based on healthy body-fat content.  If you're obese, you pay double taxes.

  6. Totally can eat out, home, fast food, restuarant wherever and over eat or make proper choices......another way of government control....A someone who has always struggled with weight, I make informed decision on what to eat no matter where I am....People need more exercise and activity instead of so much tv and video games to stay fit....

  7. that doesn't seem right.  Sort of big brother kind of behavior.

  8. That's crazy! I think they should ban high fructose corn syrup out of their restaurant because they could be contributing to the problem.

  9. The last legal discrimination...fat people.  

    Well, there are a whole lot of us out here, and we just won't stand for it!

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