
Banana Faerie?

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I had the following dream:

I was in a single wide trailer I used to live in standing in the living room, there was a knock at the door and I opened it to find my Father outside holding a knife. He came in and was trying to kill me. My dead, alcoholic cousin came in the door and stopped my father. Then a window shattered in the back room and a dove came flying down the hall and turned into a raven as it approached and flew into the kitche. The bird flew through the kitchen window. I went in and found a green "banana faerie" (Head like an elf, body like a pixie, four legs that bifurcated into banana looking feet) then I was called outside by a large group of dead relatives to come out to the dirt road by my trailer and help with an archeological dig to uncover pyramids built by black ants. I went back to the trailer for a lantern and my father was there apologizing for trying to kill me and trying to put a leather jacket on me. Then I woke up...any thoughts or interpretations?




  1. Some pretty grim stuff here. Scary! You may be able to make sense of it with this dream dictionary.

  2. Seems a lot of dead people in your dream. Have you been to a funeral recently? At least, he tried to apologise so he realises his error. Seems very dark that even a dove turned into a Raven.

  3. wow thats a lot, but to lighten the mood go to youtube and look up charlie the unicorn 2 =)

  4. Okay, I'm going to break it down by elements and then give you an overall opinion.

    Your father doesn't just come into the house, but he knocks and you open the door. But this isn't a house where you are now, but somewhere you used to live. Hmm... so I would guess you and your dad have an issue from the past-- maybe around this time period, but not necessarily. (It's your dream, your subconscious makes the rules.) Or, more accurately, maybe your dad is the one who has the issue with you.

    How long has your cousin been dead? Was he involved with this issue? Did he take your side? Or was he just a cool guy who you think would side with you against your dad? (Like a voice of reason.)

    Now here's the amazing part-- the window breaks and in flies a dove. Regardless of your spirituality or thought, certain symbols within our culture are pretty universal. The dove is typically associated with the Holy Spirit. So whether you want him there or not, he's breaking into your house (which could represent your life in general-- or it might just be your physical house.) BUt it turns into a raven and goes into the kitchen. My experience is that birds represent spirituality-- just as the dove represents the Holy Spirit, birds are more general spirituality-- like yours, perhaps. Then it turns into something really unidentifiable-- in the kitchen. The kitchen's gotta represent sustenance. And this banana fairy represents a banana fairy (you called it; it's your dream.) And what do fairies typically do? Guard things-- make sure they're working right. So your spirituality is linked up with a guarded spirit-- especially over sustenance (unless you hate bananas-- then it's a nusicence.

    So you're given a task to uncover things built by black ants. I'm guessing here, but the black ants might represent a natural building industriousness-- completely harmless.

    You go back for the tool you need to shed light on the subject, and there is your father, apologizing and trying to clothe you in a leather jacket (definitely protective covering.

    So I would guess that you and your dad had an issue (or have) and he's been expressing himself with what feels like inappropriate anger. It could date back to when you lived at the trailer, or before. While the Holy Spirit would like to break into your life and help you with this-- nourishing you, your spirituality is overconcentrating on nourishment-- maybe you're starving, maybe not-- maybe you're just feeling safe when you concentrate on what feeds your spirit.

    But the wisdom of the past (dead relatives) says, get out of the kitchen and get to work.

    Either this has happened and your father has apologized and is trying to protect you with a thicker skin (parents have very effective prayers when it comes to their children) or you wish he would apologize and protect you.

    The answer you came up with is in the archeological dig. The best place to work out problems is side-by-side with your father. With my experience, this is how guys function, and I think you recognize this too. What's he working on that you can come alongside and help him with? This is the answer to improving your relationship.

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