
Band Geek and Volleyball Junkie???

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Okay, I'm going into high school next year where I plan on playing volleyball and participating in marching band. They both have grueling schedules in the month of October. I'm pretty good at both, so I don't want to quit either. All my friends are in band and volleyball is my best sport. Any ideas on how to keep me sane???




  1. haha that is the position i was in last year as long as you remember that you love to play volleyball and love to be in band that should be motivation enough i remember going straight from practice running to the practice field to get ready for the home football games its stressful and exhausting just remember if it gets to be too much then prioritize which one is most important to you...personally i was in bad 2 years and next year i dropped the class because volleyball to me was way more important...but its all up to you :)

  2. No way. Me too. im going into HS. Playing flute in marching band. and doing volley ball! im gonna be crazy by the end of the season. GOOD LUCKK1

  3. Talk to both of your coaches/teachers and find out the schedules for both and figure out the conflicts WAAAAAAAAY in advance.  As coaches, we love to know ahead of time so we can plan around you being gone.  We hate surprises.  

    I would say after your first year, you will have figured out which is more important to you and focus on that for the rest of your HS career.  If you can find a way to make it work, more power to you to keep both.

  4. OMG that was me this year, I stuck with both, and I might have missed some band things, but that was becasue it wasnt as improtatnt as practices. So I say go for both and if you start to slack in school drop one, but Im sure you can do it.

  5. hey im a bandgeek and a volleyball junkie too!!!

    too make sure u have time to study and do hw i would set aside time tht u just have for homework

    male sure u get tht done or otherwise u might get kicked out of both vball and band

  6. omg i went through the same don't will all be fine...when i got my classes i was stressed out too...but once you know how to juggle the schedule you'll figure it all out..=] trust me...good luck!

  7. talk to ur coach/teacher and you can work something out and practice both the same amount everyday u will be u  ok :)

  8. I have to agree with the above answer. I did the same type of stuff in HS, with music (french horn), volleyball, tennis, and water polo. If you talk to the coaches and band director, you can give everyone involved a heads up for what schedules are going to be like.

    The hardest part for me was staying on top of the grades. It's easy to spread yourself too thin, so be wise in your planning! Good luck juggling!

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