
Bandage on a dog's wound?

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My dog got a puncture wound when another dog bit her (not aggressively; he just ran into her tooth-fist). It wasn't a bad cut but she was l*****g it a lot. We took her to the vet and they said we should give her antihistimines and spray it with steroid spray to keep it from itching so she wouldn't l**k it. We did so, but she just kept l*****g it and the area around it became bald and the cut couldn't scab over and became more irritated. I put a gauze pad on it and found some bandages that I tested for whether or not they would take off her fur and wrapped the bandages around her belly to keep her from l*****g it. This worked, until she (1) managed to pull the bandage over enough to be able to keep l*****g the wound, and (2) rolled around and around so much that the bandage is now firmly stuck to her fur. In conclusion, I'm an idiot and should never have put this bandage on her. Does anyone have any suggestions regarding how I can get the stupid bandage off her (oil?) and how to keep her from l*****g the cut? I'm reluctant to put a cone on her because I know she'll HATE it.




  1. i do know get her some cooling ointment from the vet and defiantly needs some antibiotics it will help in no time

  2. Hey hun, don't worry about her l*****g it. Dog saliva help heal and keep the wound clean, she's l*****g it because she feels that it's dirty, every few hours wipe it off with a cool towel and just let her l**k all she wants. My dog is always getting hurt by our cat, we have 8, and we have never taken her to the vet seeing as how they charge all this money just to see what we need to do. just wipe off the wound, and keep it clean, it should be fine.

  3. Oh honey, just put a cone on!  

    I did the exact same thing with my dog and didn't want to put it on but the wound kept getting worse and worse until I gave up and gave in!  The wound healed within a few days!  My poor dog, it was much worse to have this nasty wound for 2 weeks than wearing the cone for a week!  They get used to it after about 1 day.  Good luck!

  4. you can try putting a liquid band-aid on it.  just paid it over the wound. i have done that for my pets before.  and to take the glue off try using goof off sparingly and that should dissolve the sticky.  for the itch my vet told us to get children's benedryl  you can use the store brand name works the same. and give them a dose of that twice a day. worked for the itch on our dog

  5. Take her to the vet h**l explain the solutions that best suit you,your dog and your budget.

  6. she needs the cone antibiotics to get the bandage off try a cooking spray but you might have to cut it off

  7. instead of putting a bandage on it get some stuff that doctors use if you break a bone. I no target has some and it's purple just wrap it around the area and that way nothing can get into the wound and she can't really pull it off hoped i helped

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