
Bank account............

by  |  earlier

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I am selling a camera in Ebay and a buyer contacted me if she can pay through transferring money to my account. We don't live in the same country. Is this possible? what are the risks?

Thank you for answering!




  1. ~~Absolutely never give your banking information out to anyone! The safest way to handle this transaction is through PayPal.~~

  2. no! no! no! don't do it. let her pay you through pay pal. she can take your money right out of your account if she transfers. also western union is good or something like that. you might have to pay of fee but its worth the security.

  3. DO NOT give anyone your account number!!!!  It could be a scam and instead of cerdditng your account, they will debit your account.  I deal with this every day and it is ugly how people are commiting fraud against other people now.  Insist on paypal.  Even money orders can be fraudulent now and they will ask you to wire money to them for money that they "overpay" for mailing fdees and such.

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