
Bank of America "credit protection plan" added without my knowledge...How can I get my money back????

by  |  earlier

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So I enrolled in a gold option credit line in April of '07. Well the rep added a "credit protection plan" without my knowledge or approval. I didn't understand what that was for quite some time so I called in about a month ago to ask as the total money I paid to it was close to $800.00, for nothing. They said that they added it and had "verbal" agreement from me to do so but with no actual proof. Apparently they sent a letter at some point saying they took the liberty of adding this and if I want it cancelled to call immediatly. I never saw this. So I want to fight this and get that money back. How can I go about doing this without spending lots of money and making it a mute point. This is wrong that they can get this much money from me without me even asking for it. I have paid off the loan in full as soon as I saw that this was happening. BOA (corporate not local) is terrible and has horrible customer service. I would strongly discourage anyone from using them from now on.




  1. Wait - why did you even pay it?  It is like you were agreeing to it when you paid.  I am sure it was listed separate on your statement.  I have never heard of  company charging $800.00 for credit protection?  You sure this is right?

    fight the fact that you never agreed  - the person on the phone was mistaken and do they have a voice recorder asking you?  

    I used BOA and havent had an problems = keep calling till you get a nice person on the phone.....

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