
Bank of america in an different country? what if someone bankwires?

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ok, say that im making a bank account incorporated to my business name.

and this bank, is bank of AMERICA, located in Korea.

if a person in USA bankwires me money, would it be as if they're transferring money to a bank located in USA?

confusing. thanks.




  1. No- it would show as an international wire and, unless the beneficial owners of the originating and receiving account are the same, it would also show up as a third-party wire. This is consistent with the recordkeeping guidelines of both the bank and applicable banking regulations in the U.S. and Korea.

  2. is there a same name account in usa? did u ask BOA USA to help open BOA KOrea?  then one is main account and the other subsidiary related account.  

    if there is transfer,  its transfer from one subsid account to main account.  

    if u transfer to another bank with a diff name fr korea to usa then its another transaction altogether altho the recipients maybe the same business.  

    likewise fr usa to korea.  

    its different as overseas charges, bank charges, wire charges applies.  when its offshore, its more $$.  within USA its lesser $$.  again state to state, within state is also different.  

    why dont u ask the bank abt these additional charges. or check website

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