
Bankrupt business - Who do I pay?

by Guest65243  |  earlier

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A business that I owe money went bankrupt. Do I pay? Who? I have 3 months of payments in the bank and have heard nothing. I don't know what I'm supposed to do???




  1. Have the owners actually filed bankruptcy or did they just steal away into the night?

    If they have filed bankruptcy they should have listed the money you owe them among their assets.  If they did, you should get a letter from the bankruptcy referee or court.  I don't know how long that will take.  

    You might try calling the bankruptcy court to see if they have filed, and when to expect any correspondence from the court.  If they haven't filed, ask the court how long you have to keep the money you owe them.  

    You might also try to find out if they filed a change of address with the Post Office.  If you have an invoice or bill from them showing the amount due, just send it to the last known address of the business and see what happens.  You might just get it back as "Moved - Left No Address/Forward".

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