
Banks on the collapse?

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When is the congress going to start holding hearings on the false price increases due to gas commodity speculation? When current oil supply meets /exceeds demand. So why is congress letting a select few investors that run this market dictate the price? Why has congress not looked into this problem?

Or is it because this fact may cause some major banks to fail once it is learned that they are trying to recoup losses by using this method to make money?

I just found out about this from a person working in Washington DC. The oil companies sell futures to commodity speculator’s they are the one driving up the gas and oil prices. We do not have an oil shortage…..There is a select group that run this market and since the buy in is so high to even purchase gas commodities’ I can only think it is the bank and credit card companies that are inflating the price so recoup on losses that they are seeing in the housing market.

Just remember this didn’t start happening until the sub-prime market started up. Gas prices where constant until the credit card companies started this risky venture.

I have written my congressman, have you written yours?




  1. The commodity speculators also bet that the prices will drop.  Yes, there are select groups that increase oil prices, OPEC for instance...

    If you want oil prices to drop...lessen the dependancy on oil.

  2. It's an efficient market.  Prices will go where the market decides they should be.  It's called capitalism.  The government should stay out of it.

  3. here is a cookie for what you figured out now you know what controls the world

  4. This is the downside of the free market. If someone leases a plot of seafloor, pays their bills, buys the equipment to explore their leased plot, hires experts to make the most of their plot, manufactures something with the raw materials they collect, pay royalties to the landowner, based on the quantity or raw material they collect from that plot, and sells what they've manufactured, than they've got the right to sell or not sell their product as they see fit. No one holds congressional hearings on the manufacturing and sales of dinner plates, but you know the process of making dinner plates isn't that different from making gasoline, and we still buy the plates when we've got the money, or eat off paper ones if we don't.

    There are better places to have silly paranoid conspiracies than the oil industry.

  5. ????

    Your congressman is scratching his head because commodities traders do not set the prices of commodities. They are simply betting on if the prices will go up or down. What commodities traders are really betting on right now is that commodities will hold their value as the dollar continues to drop and the suffering economy begins to drag down the stock market. They are putting their assets into commodities to prevent losses from holding dollars they expect to continue losing value or stocks where they expect any "gains" won't keep up with inflation..

    Oil is really staying about the same... Here's the REAL problem...

    How much do you want to buy with a worthless dollar? What do you expect to happen to prices when the value of the dollar decreases?

    The dollar is worth a little more than half what it was worth 4 years ago, so oil costs almost twice as much as it did 4 years ago. That's the simple truth the media tries not to mention. Although, it's become so obvious they ARE talking about it now. They can no longer deny it. Maybe you should watch the news before trying to "educate" people on the economy?

    What you are seeing is the effect of inflation due to a wothless dollar. You're seeing it in the grocery store as well as at the pump... and it's going to get worse. Stocks cost more dollars because the dollars are worth less. Oil and other commodities cost more dollars because dollars are worth less. Everything the Fed is doing to bail out corporations and prop up the market by printing and printing and printing... lowering interest rates... It's all lowering the value of the dollar even further. It cannot even be saved from this point. Everything that's been called "growth" for close to a decade has been at the expense of American worker's wages and benefits and the value of the dollar. We've actually been in a recession for quite some time. Everything our ancestors built for us has been sold out from under us through treasonous "globalism" to profit a select few (fascism). The US economy is being intentionally collapsed and they plan to "come to our rescue" with a North American Union and a new currency. It's all just another step towards forming a global government... and probably a little population reduction to "save the Earth" as well.

    Have you noticed that the European Union has just swallowed up Europe? Have you noticed that "rogue nations" not under the control of the "globalists" are all under heavy attack? Have you noticed we've invaded a country that had NOTHING to do with 9-11 because they no longer wanted to accept worthless dollars for oil? Do you think your congressman is as blind as to how the world works and who controls it as you are?... and a letter from you will convince him to stand up to the illuminati?

    ALL of the presidential candidates are telling you STRAIGHT TO YOUR FACE they plan to virtually erase the borders through virtually unlimited immigration (not defending the borders against invasion was TREASON).. and that they plan to spend our money to update Mexico's infrastructure... to better mesh with ours... Yet, most people are still fast asleep.

    People are going into commodities because the dollar is finished and this will affect economies and corporations around the world. Hard assets are the safest place to be right now. Oil up... but also precious metals (gold has doubled from $500.00 to $1000.00 the last few years... in worthless US dollars anyway), food products, etc... Gold is at $1000.00 an ounce and no analyst has ever recommended anyone go heavily into gold. They spread the propaganda...  But, the people who know what's going on are already heavily in the commodities market, leaving those that don't know holding the bag, believing all kinds of false reasons why things cost more and writing their congressmen...

    The new world order wants a one world government, complete control and a much smaller population. They believe this is the only way the world can be prevented from destroying itself. They believe a world where sin is permitted can be controlled and succeed, where the God of the Bible says it will fail and destroy itself. They have absolutely no sympathy for human life that must be sacrificed "for the greater good" (see links below). They have no loyalty to sovereign nations, although they are ruling them from the shadows using puppets in governments (including the USA). "Our" government has not been ours for quite some time and I think everyone knows that deep down. They are an enemy that has very slowly and systematically tricked us into accepting endless treason using advanced psychological warfare and propaganda. There is nothing remotely American about capitalism at all cost to the American worker, national security and the value of the dollar. There is nothing remotely American about "competing" with oppressed 3rd world slaves for jobs. We are all supposed to put our country and our countrymen first ALWAYS.  (requires Real Player)

    In this ritual, the "elite" sacrifice an effigy of a human being. The deity at first does not allow them to use the fire he reigns over for their own means. After they ask the deity for guidance and submit to it, they are allowed to use his fire for sacrifice since their goals are now one. That effigy of a human being is standing in for you and I... everyone that must be sacrificed in order for them to achieve their goals.

    Writing THEIR congressman isn't going to stop the royalty and super-wealthy global bankers who've overthrown "our" government "for the people".  If you want back what they've taken, you'll have to fight them for it. That's the way it's always been. If you think there is no battle going on for global domination, it only proves you're sleepwalking. There always has been and there always will be.  Wake up. If you look into some of this and begin to understand... THEN you can discuss the economy intelligently. Until then...


    Finally, someone who knows one of the REAL causes of the gas price increase.

  7. No !!! it is because of the GW scam that no senitor wants to appear against it. This hype is what is driving this and it may drive us into a depression.
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