
Banned from a group I've never joined?

by  |  earlier

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I recently tried joining a group called Tracers. I keep getting a message back saying that my user ID (rickc*****) has been banned. I have never been a member of the group nor left any messages in it. I would like to join the group since I work in that particular industry.

Any idea on how to get unbanned or at least contact the moderator? I've searched for a moderator's email address but can not find one.





  1. hard to say why you were banned if you were never a member. many people spread around ID's and addresses they claim are spammers, maybe that's how it happened.

    try e-mailing the owner, default address located at the bottom of the group, and explain the situation. maybe they'll give you a chance and take the ban off

    good luck

  2. its possible some one with the exact screen name was banned from there

  3. They probably just made the choice not to let you join,  I believe once they've banned you, there isn't anyway of you contacting them.

  4. go get a gmail address and a new name and join

    Not a big deal

    Some groups though will send that out to anyone they do not know or if they are just not accepting members

    I have gotten the same back for places i have never been too  

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