
Banning members?

by  |  earlier

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Why is it when you ban someone, all you can enter is their email addy or Yahoo ID. Yet when the banned list comes up there is a column that says "reason"

I'd like to be able to put a reason, but it's not an option while banning. Makes no sense.




  1. WOW.

  2. actually,  that 'reason' is there for if you attempt to ban someone, and if it failed, it tells you there in that area why it did. for you to see how it works, try to ban some one already on the ban list- a 'reason' pops up.

    you're thinking it's for a place to put a personal comment and actually, no where on yahoo groups has that feature

  3. Dont no why

  4. I agree it makes little sense but so do the people you are banning right? kind of wierd eh...


  5. Try getting a life and quit being hateful!

  6. I have never had to ban anyone, I respect everyone's opinion...I can always ignore their answers.

  7. thats not a qestion
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