
Baptism question: If you don't belong to a church, how do you get your baby baptized?

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My husband and I were both raised Catholic but we don't go to church anymore. We would like to get our baby girl baptized but don't know where to go to get her baptized. I looked into my local Catholic church but you have to be a member and have registered your baby to be baptized when you are 6 months pregnant. So that is not an option.

We both believe in God and it is important for us to baptize our little girl. Are there any churches that would baptize her without us being members? Please do not answer this if you are going to say wait till she is old enough to decide her religion as that is of no help to me.




  1. You can probably find a church somewhere who will baptize your baby. Call around.

    However ... I'll admit to being a bit puzzled.  If you don't go to church yourself, why would you want to have your baby baptized?  Part of the baptism ceremony includes your affirmation that you will be raising your child to be a Catholic ... and if you no longer believe in the tenets of your faith yourself ... (which go well beyond just a vague 'belief in God'), how can you raise your child that way?  

    Think about your own beliefs and goals, and make a decision.

    (Incidently, FWIW, anyone can baptize a baby.  You can do it yourself if you wish.)

  2. Absolutely! My husband and I were both baptized Catholic. We wanted to baptize our daughter but chose not to become members of the Catholic church in town due to personal reasons. The Luthern church welcomed us with open arms- it was not necessary that we become members (though we did). She gets baptized in two weeks! You just have to find a place who is open to different believes and cultures. Some churches are more strict than others. Good luck!

  3. Why would you want her to be baptized if faith isn't an important part of your life?  You say you believe in God, but do you understand what baptism is for?

    In Acts, much is written about baptism.  People were baptized after they came to faith in Christ.  They were immersed not sprinked, as it mentions that they went to where there was much water, and they went into the water.

    Baptism symbolizes the death, burial and resurrection of Christ.  It shows our identification with Christ.  It isn't necesesary for salvation.  The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is what saves.  This baptism isn't a physical act, but the spiritual act of accepting Christ as Savior and thus becoming indwelt with the Spirit.  this happens when we place our faith in Christ.

    Read through the book of Acts in the Bible and THEN decide what you believe about baptism.

  4. Yes, there are def churches that will. It is completely wrong for a church to not want to baptize a baby!!!!!! It's kind of a contradiction in our faith!!

    My son was baptized at the church that I belonged to when I was growing up. Is that perhaps possible for you to do? Might be easier to get in there..if not, keep calling around to churches, and if they say no, ask them why they don't want to baptize your child? do they not want him to become a catholic???  

  5. Wait a minute I am catholic and the Catholic church will baptize any child into the religion.  If the church is refusing you call the Archdiocese, because that is not how it is done anymore, we have a open policy and as long as your promising to raise the child Catholic we will be happy to accept the child.  Call the local Archdiocese, they will direct you to someplace to help.  

    Take Care and your doing a good job, thank you for considering God in your child.

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