
Baptism without godparents.?

by Guest58536  |  earlier

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I want to baptize my 2 year old, What has been stopping us so far is that we don't seem to find the right ppl to be her godparents. I have no friends here, and we have agreed that we don't really want a family member (aunt, uncle or grandparent) to take over this role. My husband has a couple of good friends, but none of them are involved (at all! maybe seen the baby 3 or 4 times) in my baby's life... so I don't think they are the right ppl for this role... Can I just get her baptized without godparents? should I just go ahead and pick my husbands friends , who I'm sure will visit on Bdays and xmas, but that is about it... any ideas? suggestions?




  1. You do not mention what church you are going to have your child baptized in. In the Catholic Church and many mainstream Protestant churches a Godparent is necessry. I would talk to the priest or minister at the church where the baptism will be held so they can explain exactly what the role of the Godparent is and if you need one or not. I disagree to those who have answered before me. There religious beliefs may not be yours. Talk to the clergy doing the baptism.  

  2. Infant baptism is not scriptural. You should wait until the child is old enough to make a decision for or against Christ. A baptized baby can still grow up to be an atheist, and still be lost, because there was no heart-change.

    However, one thing that IS scriptural that you can do is have your child dedicated to the Lord, in a dedication ceremony, instead of baptized. That's what our church does.

  3. the false theology of godparents should be deleted because it is NOT a doctrine of the gospel of jesus christ.

    there is no guarantee that any godparent is of God, nor the future of exalted sons of God.

    for the most part those that are rejected of the world are more likely to be the sons of God and saviours and then future members of the Godhead. to say someone is a godparent is in my opinion and i think the spirit of God, a false tradtion and not a tradtion in the will of God.  

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