
Bar Chord Help?!?!?

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I have a little problem holding down all the strings... Does anyone have any tips???




  1. Practice.. You'll get it sooner..;p

  2. I am a guitar tutor and a quick tip is to address the fret board by slightly revolving your wrist out ( to be specific as if you are looking at your watch)this presses down with more 'cut'.

    After a while your hand develops and you can resume addressing the board square on...  look at the speed players they are masters of hand techinique...there wrist is usually 90 degrees to the board thus allowing little pinky to attain full reach.   I have been playing 40 years now  and one last thing I see normally omiited is to gauge the guitar strap (yes I know it may be obvious to some  but I see it all the time)  if the guitar is too low then the wrist is over arching and loses its clamping shorten the strap (or sit down)   just check it ..   long term fix I am afraid is to keep at it...  good luck

  3. just try baring your index finger at first until you get a clean sound. with your index finger play one sting the, two, 3, 4, 5, 6 Then when it sounds clean add your pinky, middle, and third finder to make the chord complete. Just keep practicing you will get it eventually.

  4. It's gonna take time. I still struggle with it, which is why, although I play on stage (one or 2 songs, im mainly a keyboard player) I play everything in the first position.  Doing it over and over and over etc till you build up those muscles in your hand will help a great deal.

  5. Taken from Teach Yourself Visually Guitar (I would give you my own tips but this does a better job):

    1) To become more comfortable forming a barre with your index finger, you may want to try the following exercise. Hold down the 1st and 2nd strings with your index finger. When this feels comfortable, try holding down the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd strings. Keep increasing the number of strings until you are able to hold down all six strings.

    2) Try to determine whether it is easier for you to form the barre first and then form the chord with your other fingers, or to form the chord first and then form the barre.

    3) Try practicing barre chords on the frets closer to the body of the guitar. Since the frets are closer together in this area, your fingers do not have to stretch as far.

    4) If possible, practice on an electric guitar because the strings on an electric guitar are easier to press down than on an acoustic guitar.

    5) Try to keep your hand relaxed, making sure your fingers are not stiff.
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