
Bar Mitzvah HELP!?

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ok so i am going to turn 13 soon and i am Jewish. I want to have a Bar Mitzvah but i still have a load of probs(i.e.:where,when,), basically huge ones. I am just trying to get ahead right now to see what i can do. First, would a bealtes theme be alright. i know that only playing their songs will get boring but i want to have like every table being an album and every person having a ticket with the name of a song on it. I want to know about how much a dj costs and stuff like that. Also any fun games. I've been to 3 bar mitzvahs and 1 bat mitzvah.




  1. no way im going to have a bar mitzvah to. make sure to invite lots of girls. bealtes them sounds sweet. but play other music all your ideas sound cool. one last thing practice

  2. go to

  3. Sorry that I can't offer much help as it's been a long time since my son had his bar-mitzah..

    You can negotiate the price of a dj,just check their references out.. Am a consevative Jew & know the Orthodox/Reforms celebrate in different ways.So what would be appropiate depends on the congragation you belong to..Talk to your Rabbi for advice..

    Btw,love the Beatles & have most all their records & cd's.Stones too :-)

    Congrats & Shalom
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