
Bar mitzvah question. plz answer?

by Guest33118  |  earlier

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what are some of the commandments a jewish boy has to observe after he has his bar mitzvah? does he have to wear anything or fast? What kinds of gifts does he get at his bar mitzvah?




  1. is this the same or diffrent?

  2. People make decisions about how religious they want to be.  Depending on how religious your friend is, he may put on  tefillim every morning, a tallit (prayer shawl) for the synagogue, a special kind of hat (depending on whether he belongs to a specific sect), etc.  There are (I'm pretty sure) four fast days a year, the most "famous" being Yom Kippur, the day of atonement.  A bar mitzvah is a grown man religiously, and is responsible for all the commandments, just like his parents.  Most of his bar mitzvah gifts will probably be cash gifts, though that is not always true.

    I hope that answers all of your questions.

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