
Barack's mother wasn't married when she became pregnant, will that effect the election?

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if Palin's daughter 's pregnancy will then how come Barack's mom's wont..things that make you go humm




  1. Once again, DEMS DO NOT ADVOCATE FOR ABSTINENCE-ONLY EDUCATION AND NO CHOICE FOR THE MOTHER. Dems are NOT the ones who think no one anywhere should be having premarital s*x. They do not, like the Repugs do, openly shame and b.i.tch about teenage "welfare" mothers and claim abstinence-only s*x education is effective when it obviously is not.

    Repugs have a huge rift here in in their religious-right ideology vs. reality and common sense.

  2. NO

    Muslim men are not allowed to marry the infidel women in their Harem.

    Even the Sultan of Turkey got into trouble with the Mullahs when he married that blond Russian woman in his Harem

  3. it shouldn't as Palin's daughter shouldn't affect the election.  these are real people and these things happen.  those who live in glass houses . . .

  4. Why not, we've got Jerry Springer on parade with the Democrats and Republicans, crazy preachers damning their country, simulating s*x at the pulpit, our possible next president was mentored in his early years by a Communist who wanted to overthrow the US government, he gets campaing contributions raised by a domestic terrorist who bombed the US government, he attends Palestinian fund raisers and his church of 20 years and his spirtual mentor (gawd, they have a lot of mentors) said the US sponsored state terrorism against the Palestinians and they published the Hamas charter that states wiping out Isreal is their goal.  And now you've got Britney Spear's family running for vice-president for the Republicans.

    Keep fighting back and forth, Americans, but no one should be proud of this circus.

  5. What a LIE, Obama's Mother married his father in 1960, Barack was not born until  Aug. 1961. You are just another Lying Republican.

  6. Neither issue would or should effect the intelligent voter

  7. It may prevent some fundamentalist conservative republican christians from voting for him.

  8. According to this article, Michelle Obama says his mother was SINGLE when she had him - they married AFTER hewas born. I guess that means you are another Democrat liar?

  9. On February 2, 1961, Obama married a fellow student, Ann Dunham in Maui, Hawaii.

    Someone answered with they were married in 1960 and called the person posting a republican liar... Now who's the liar?

    hypocrisy within the democrat electorate runs rampant.

  10. Exactly. The Obama machine is going to use this as an attack ad from h**l. But they should be careful considering his mottled background

  11. You do know why she had to make that announcement about her private family affairs don't you?  Baracka put out the story that her baby was actually her daughter's baby.  They keep slinging mud and blame the Republicans while they are sling it.  That's the same thing Baracka did to Clinton and the public believed his lies and propaganda.

    Even though Baracka's mother had a wedding ceremony, her "husband" already had a wife so she was never legally married to Baracka's father.  People who live is glass houses, or windowless houses as the case may be...

  12. It shouldn't and neither should the Palin family's private matters.

  13. No, because Barack's mom is deceased.  McCain's VP pick has put his candidacy is on life-support.  Face it Paul, he is looking pretty foolish at the moment.  I know it is hard for you guys to admit it when your candidate screws up, but I think even you know that he did.  Why not admit it?

    The beauty of it is that I don't think you will see Obama's campaign attack on the basis of Palin's daughter.  It is one of those situations where they don't have to in order for it to have an effect.  The Obama campaign will say something like it is a private matter for Palin's family.  But, the country will see a McCain campaign that can't get out of its own way.

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