
Barack Hussein Obama's brother George ?

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lives in a run down shack in Huruma on the outskirts of Kenya's capital, Nairobi.

Barack lives in a mansion he bought for $1.9 million in Chicago. Barack claims he is a uniter and cares deeply for the under privileged. Why hasn't Barack brought his own half brother out of poverty and danger? Why does the one who claims he is the hope of the poor allow his own flesh and blood to remain in filth and degradation, where is life is in danger??...doesn't charity start at home??...or does Barack only show charity with tax payers money, not his own?,21985,24226262-5012748,00.html




  1. Maybe George and Obama had a falling out.  Happens to families all the time.  In any case, this talking point is getting stale.

  2. Gahh, okay so you've made a good point,


    Obviously it is his name, but you are saying it with malicious intent and it is just moronic.

  3. The Lord helps those who help themselves.

    Barack bin Biden isn't running for president of Kenya, so why should he worry about pandering to them for votes?

  4. The Messiah has half brothers and sisters, at least 8, all over the world.  His father had at least three wives, that we know of, abandoned all of them.  Even the Messiah can't afford to support all of that mess.

  5. Obama is a fake, just like Columbia and Harvard prepared him to be.

  6. Ya and now the Obama campaign is spreading the rumour that Barrack has set aside a trust fund for his poor brother George and will distribute the monies after the "situation" has stabalized in Kenya.  How many more lies and examples of hypocrisy are we going to be forced to swallow from Obama?  Obama lives in luxury his own brother lives in dirt and this is a man that is supposed to be compassionate and for all people? He wont even lift a finger to help his own brother! Even if he sent him 20 bucks he would more than double his income how hard is that?

  7. real ... fake.

    true--- false.

    google:  george obama.

    obama should be ashamed his let his blood brother live on one dollar a day.

  8. Hmmmm I wish I could give you a good answer.  That is a very good question.  Why indeed.  You would think he would provide decent accommodation for his family in another country.  Maybe it will change and the tax payers of the US will pick up the tab.  He should have done something about it.  I wonder why he hasn't.  Hmmmm

  9. I keep hearing from man on the street that its the conservatives trying to keep the poor poor and make the rich richer.  However, when we do it the conservative way, there are more jobs available and more of a chance for me to succeed in whatever I want to do.  The times the govt has stepped in in my life have helped but only made me dependent on the system and kept me idle longer.  

    With that being said, how does Hussein expect to help me the middle class truck driver and wife full time student>  Higher taxes?  Talkng down to me telling me its my fault for global warming and that I need to conserve more and inflate my tires?  Oversee the demise of the tax cuts and watch our taxes as well as businesses go through the roof?  opposing every energy solution that doesnt get the green light from their eco buddies making my bills go through the roof including gas?  Hows that help me?

    I guess until he can start raising taxes on Kenya, he cant helphis brother either..

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