
Barack Hussein Obama?

by Guest67029  |  earlier

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I'm just curious and a little confused....Is this man running for president of the United States?




  1. Ya i think so...

  2. Yes it is confusing I still dont understand how he got the nomination, a socialist, racist, america hating lib.

  3. Yep, as long as MTV doesn't back him he may actually get it.

  4. no duh he is ur an idiot

  5. Pretty heavy rock that one huh. Google that s**+.  

  6. Uh, yes, he is running for President.

    You might have seen a news article or two about him but he is being a little low-key about his campaign so there is not much press  


  7. haha i'm so with you on that.

  8. who told you to  say that your Mommy

  9. unfortunately yes... the obomination is doing all he can to finish off The United States

  10. Yeah, I know... crazy, isn't it? It's like Obama Bin Ladin... oops, I mean, Osama...

  11. I know, eh? Middle name like Hussein, and a last name that rhymes with Osama? No presidential candidate has had a name THAT unfortunate since Gaydolf Titler in 1949!

  12. Otherwise ? for Indonesia or Saudi Arabia because of his name ?

  13. Duh

  14. No...he's not running he's skipping and jumping political rope.

  15. d

  16. yea, hes the democratic primary, why?

    so what if his name sounds a bit foreign, obviously he was born in the USA!

  17. yessss.


  18. Doesn't matter John Sidney Mcain III is gonna win
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