
Barack Hussein Osama's Mother Was a Pregnant Teen?

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American Pop Icon and Fraud Barack Hussein Osama: His mother was a pregnant 17-year-old know, EXXXXXACTLY LIKE Governor Sarah Palin's daughter. This non-issue will not hurt the McCain-Palin ticket one iota. This too will pass once the liberal media finds something that is actually NEWSWORTHY.

So why is it that Sarah Palin(a VP)'s daughter makes the headlines, but a mother of the person running as PRESIDENT gets ignored? Makes you wonder.




  1. It's spelled "Barack Obama"

  2. Because Obama isn't responsible for his mother. Palin is responsible for her daughter.

  3. Barack's mother was not the daughter of someone running for public office either....if you live in a glass house don't throw stones. And furthermore, practice what you preach...things tend to go smoother when you do.

  4. Because her mother is a right wing religious zealot who shuns that behavior.

  5. Maybe Sarah Palin's soon to be Grand-daughter will make a great president, like Obama will.

    Yes, we did know that.  Unlike some, us Obama supporters actually like to be informed.

  6. Ignorance is bliss

  7. Oh how i do love GOPer hypocrisy.. especially when it comes to an "non-issue" and a "moral issue"...oh this is non-issue believe me i agree..however Baracks mom didn't run for VP for a party who preaches "family values"...Oh this is an non-issue just like Clinton getting a bee jay was a non-issue..Rev. Wright some say was a non-issue...but it needed to get out there to let people know that Obama's political roots are far different than any potential presidential candidate before those who may be have seemed progressive could question there naiveness to what seemed like a "good thing"...same thing with having a grandchild and child who are going to be in the same elementary class with each other really fit the traditional system of Conservative Politics? Maybe not. But then again Cheney's daughter is g* exactly this is an non-issue..but  its information that we the public should know before voting for them in November!  

  8. Hey, good thought! Since Obama is the messiah, then Palin's grand whatever it is going to be will be the second coming, since Bristol Palin is another 17 year old pregnant, just like Obama's mamma!

    So the Obama supporters should be hoping nothing bad happens to Bristol, so that they can worship the newborn at the manger!

  9. Oh, Exactly.  Pot calling the Kettle Black.  What difference does it make....except they are jumping on this now....LOL>

  10. Well, for a couple of reasons...

    Barack Obama's mother is dead and didn't run around trumpeting "family values" and abstinence as a method of birth control.  Palin does and has as does the Republican Party.  So it's equivalent to when your party officials are caught trying to diddle little boys, having affairs, visiting prostitutes, etc.  It's just another example of the hypocrisy of conservatives/Republicans.

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