
Barack Obama's "slavery reparations" plan... this can't be real?!?

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My youth Pastor told me that there is a lot of argument in this country about "racial reparations" for past acts of slavery. He says that the one concern on many people's mind is that Barack will give 40 mules and an acre to each and every African American.

Apparently though this will bankrupt America by putting us in debt because 40 mules times 60 million African Americans equals an awful lot. Even if they received only money that would still be a lot of money. I am valuing at a mule at about $100. So that would be 60 million times $100 which equals 6,000,000,000 which I believe is 6 trillion dollars.

Anyway, my youth Pastor tells me that the latest plan that Obama has floated is "psychological reparations". Apparently his plan is for all white people to have to call black men over age 18 as "Sir", and all black women over age 18 as "Ma'am".

This can't be true can it? I think this is disgraceful and unfair, and I really don't want to vote for Obama if he is planning this stuff.




  1. You're making this up, aren't you? very sneaky :)

  2. Let me guess:

    your 'youth pastor' is his sister's husband

    he wears a white robe and a mask and pointy hat

    his grasp of numbers is tenuous at best: the 'black' population of the U.S. is about 10%, therefore 30 million;

    it's 40 acres and a mule, NOT 40 mules and an acre;

    and assuming that your 60 million is correct (and we know it's not), then at $100 each, those mules would be 100 x 40 x 60,000,000 = 240 billion, NOT 6 trillion (figures don't lie but liars figure!!). In essence, the 'reparations' question is a canard that just won't die (and I'll let YOU figure out what 'canard' means).

    So, genius, let's assume that racism places a part in your disinformation campaign. That suits you admirably for the McCain-Palin campaign. Good luck, sport.

    Maybe you should now realize why The Founding Fathers wrote a Constitution that SPECIFICALLY separated religion from politics.

  3. It's 40 acres and a mule, Hun.

    Ladies and Gentlemen, the one child that was left behind.

  4. Slavery happened like 150 years ago. Get a job and quit blaming the white man for everything. As far as calling them sir i'll call them whatever i want.

  5. you and your youth pastor should get white pointy headgear and wear sheets, every day is Halloween!

  6. as a minister and a minister's wife, if you are not a troll I advise you to find another church that doesn't teach such idiocy.

  7. What will all those African Americans do with the mules?

  8. hes planning to do a lot more worse things than that my friend..  

  9. Obama said in one of the debates that he's not in support of reparations. Your pastor is using scare tactics to get you to not vote for him. Your pastor is a disappointment.

  10. Although this scenario is incorrect, you can bet your life that Obama (likely prodded on by the militant Michelle) would push for reparations.

    Of course he won't let on about this until millions of naive White Americans have voted him into office.

  11. Please tell me this is a joke.  You should have told your "youth pastor" to back that up with a modicum of proof. Concur with the first poster, he's (your youth pastor) an idiot.  

  12. What? no! he can't do any of that! "They" just need to get over it! if he tried that...then I'm moving to Canada!

  13. The problem with Obama and this election is that people have been spoon fed the words "change" and "hope" and it has almost been like a narcotic medicine. People are being lulled into a false sense of security by someone who cannot even tell them who he is. The real Obama has thrown his white grandmother, Jeremiah Wright, Bill Aires, and anyone elsewho threatened to expose who he is under the bus. This nation has become a nation of ostriches, with our heads in the sand watching political ads and videos on youtube. But the problem is, when you have your head stuck in the sand, you tend to get kicked in the *** a lot. Wake up folks, we cannot afford Obama.

  14. Your youth pastor doesn't have any idea what he is talking about

  15. Jeremiah Wright has called for financial reparations for blacks, Obama does not directly say he supports them. But he does support other socialists programs that will take from those who he thinks can afford it, and give it to those that he thinks need it.

  16. ugh youth pastorsssssss


    p.s. I think I sense sarcasm. Am I right? I hope I'm right.

  17. pretty stupid coulda at least put an effort in!

  18. Your youth pastor is a moron.

  19. Obama Who?

  20. You're youth pastor is a fool... there's no plan for reparations to African Americans.  Its completely impractical. Obama has specifically said he would not support reparations.

  21. Man go to bed!!! you cant be real and believe that...

  22. Your youth pastor is an idiot.

  23. Your Pastor is not an idiot, he is a racist liar.

    No it is not true - what is the source of this information of his, and what is anyone going to do with 40 acres and a mule, never mind that the records needed to make these "reparations: do not exist.

    Very few Americans can prove ancestry the way that would be needed, as in who owned who. Those records are scarce at best and color of skin is no proof.

    Obama himself has no american slave history, if fact he has white ancestry that fought against slavery in the American civil war.

    I wouldn't want to be associated with your pastor, or have my children near him.

  24. LoL... wow your youth pastor needs to get out more.

    No that isn't true.

  25. d**n...that's a lot of mules.  If he did I think that would be hilarious.  "Sorry 'bout the whole slavery thing's 3 dozen mules for the trouble!  Have a nice day!"  WTF?  The ghettos would look...and smell...even more interesting than they already do now.

    Oh, also....6,000,000,000 is 6 Billion...not 6 Trillion.

  26. Nice story you cooked up there.

  27. Did this youth Pastor say anything about me being paid for my great great grandpappy's plantation, the one them d**n Yankee's done went'n burnt to the ground?

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